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Approval and Recognition

Newport University (NU) offers American academic and professional courses through Distance/online Education Methodologies and Learning Resource Centers (internationally) as an international open University to confer Diplomas, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to students/candidates who successfully qualify for these awards, which are equivalent to US accredited degrees in Higher Education and also provide honorary degrees for special contribution to the science, education and cultural field, and is active in the field of educational consulting.

Education for Sustainable Development

Newport University supports and provides Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from quality education and learn the values, behavior, and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation. In the 57th meeting in December 2002, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005- 2014,  (DESD) ’emphasizing that education is an indispensable element for achieving sustainable development’. It also designated UNESCO as the lead agency to promote and implement the Decade. To learn more …

Royal Charter

In July 2011, as a mark of recognition and support for the University’s educational programs in Ghana and throughout Africa, the University was awarded a Royal Charter from the Royal Highness Nana Dr. Obeng Wiabo V, the Chief of Gomoa Nyanyano, and Oshihene (Chairman of Lands) of Gomoa Akempim Traditional Area, Ghana. The Royal Highness also has given the University a complete open space on the second floor from his establishment (Royal Pillar International School), newly extended building to bring tertiary education in Ghana. Ghana’s historic traditional monarchies are recognized under the Chieftaincy Act 1971.

Please see the Royal Charter.


Newport University is incorporated as a Non-profit Organization in the State of Utah in the United States of America to present academic and professional courses through Distributed-Based Education (DBE) methodologies by Distance/On-line and also Approved Support Center’s (Internationally) to provide on-site training to confer Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees to the students/candidates who successfully qualify for these awards.

International Accreditation

Newport University is provisionally accredited by the International Distance Education Accreditation League (IDEAL), Philippines, recognized by the National Network of Quality Assurance Agencies (NNQAA), which is one of two national quality assurance networks fully recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippines. The IDEAL is a Member of the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN), an important agency recognized by UNESCO as a regional leader in the developing and serving the needs of quality assurance agencies in higher education, which is an international recognized association of accrediting agencies and recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA-USA).

Please see the Certificate of Accreditation.



Curriculum and Program Evaluation: Newport University’s curricula, programs, faculty qualifications, and students have been evaluated and certified as equivalent to those of regionally accredited U.S. universities by the California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (CUFCE). CUFCE is a non-profit organization recognized under California law and is tax-exempt under U.S. federal regulations. It holds a renewable five-year institutional registration in California and is listed with the California Department of Education, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the United States Department of Education, EDUCAUSE, and accredited by the American Association of Higher Education and Accreditation (ASHEA). UNESCO-CHEA International Quality Group recognizes CUFCE as an evaluator of academic programs for universities seeking regional and national accreditation. CUFCE equivalency degrees are accepted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for federal civil service positions and by various state agencies for professional licensure. Besides, the European Commission’s CORDIS has recognized CUFCE degrees as equivalent to European degrees. Also, CUFCE equivalency degrees are acknowledged as equivalent by the Education  Ministries or Parliaments of Thailand, Italy, Ecuador, Nepal, Colombia, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Brazil.

Please see the Certificate of Recognition.


Newport University degrees are accepted for legalization by U.S. State of California. NU degrees can be Authentication or Apostille by the Secretary of State of California through Credential Evaluation by California University FCE.

California State University, Fresno has an Institute for International Credentials Evaluation which is one of the few U.S. credential evaluators that are entrusted to perform credential evaluation of credits earned from U.S. colleges and universities, as well as from foreign institutions. The Institute does not evaluate medical degrees. The Institute is an after-hours community service of the International Student Services and Programs office of the University.


International Cooperation

Newport University is duly approved under the Decree No. 05/09/08 of the CII and IIA joint Senate as an autonomous Post-secondary Educational Institution and a Authorization Letter from CII and a concerning Letter of Recognition from the WDU to establish NUCED jointly with Infofish Bangladesh Trading Corporation Ltd. (IBTCL) by signing a MoU and registered at Riga city in the Republic of Latvia, European Union. The International Center of Informatization (CII) established at Brussels in Belgium in 1999 and the International Informatization Academy (IIA) in a General Consultative State with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 1995, the IIA was established in 1990 in Moscow in the Russian Federation has created the functional university World Distributed University (WDU) in 1997. The IIA is the only of its kind that has its branch “Informatization and United Nations” at the United Nation’s Headquarters in New York.


Newport University is recognized and signed an Agreement with the International Space University (ISU), France to offer graduate degree certification and credit transfer facilities to its students. The ISU is a private non-profit institution, formally recognized as an institute of higher education in France by the French Ministry of Education (decree MENS0400386A of 27 February 2004). It specializes in providing graduate-level training to the future leaders of the emerging global space community at its Central Campus in Strasbourg, France, and at locations around the world.

Since its founding in 1987, ISU has graduated more than 3300 students from over 100 countries. Together with hundreds of ISU faculty and lecturers from around the world, ISU alumni comprise an extremely effective network of space professionals and leaders that actively facilitates individual career growth, professional activities, and international space cooperation.


Newport University is recognized and signed an Agreement with the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management, which has been approved as a professional body since 2009 and was formally incorporated under the Companies Code 1963 (Act 179) (as a company limited by guarantee), on 3rd July 2009. Later the Institute was registered under the Professional Bodies Registration Decree, 1973 (NRCD 143) on 11th June 2014 by the Registrar of Professional Bodies (Professional Bodies Certificate Number PB62) in Ghana.


Affiliation & Membership

Newport University as an autonomous American style Educational Institution partnered with WDU, which has been Charter by the International Informatization Academy (IIA). This is a Unique Academy that enjoys the membership of the United Nations and has its branch “Informatization and United Nations” at the UN’s Headquarters in New York. Since 1995 the I.I.A. has the General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN. There are only 131 organizations in the world that have the same Status, such as the International Chamber of Commerce, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, International Women’s Council, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization of Standardization and International Organization of Employees.


Newport University is an official member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). UNAI is a global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations for furthering its purpose through intellectual, socially responsible activities and research.

NU joins over a thousand other colleges and universities around the world in their commitment and active role in advancing the UNA’s basic principles. While NU has identified numerous programs, projects, and activities that actively support these principles, two distinct academic focal points have been designated: The Bangabandhu Institute, International Peace and Development Institute.


Newport University is a Member of the United Nations Global Compact which is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere. Academia adds critical dimensions to the Compact’ s operations. Through research and educational resources, this sector can increase knowledge and understanding of corporate citizenship. In addition, academia plays an important role in shaping future business leaders and educating them on the importance of responsible citizenship.


Newport University is a Member of the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) mission is to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership globally. The PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In the current academic environment, corporate responsibility and sustainability have entered but not yet become embedded in the mainstream of business-related education. The PRME are therefore a timely global call for business schools and universities worldwide to gradually adapt their curricula, research, teaching methodologies and institutional strategies to the new business challenges and opportunities. While NU has identified numerous programs, projects and activities that actively support these principles, two distinct academic focal points have been designated: The Bangabandhu Institute, International Peace and Development Institute.


Newport University is a Full Institutional Member of the Adult Higher Educational Alliance (AHEA) and abides the guideline of the alliance to Assure the quality of the educational delivery of the institution by following the Principles of Good Practice for Alternative and External Degree Programs for Adults were published in 1990. Produced by an Alliance task force, the principals were sponsored by the Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials, American Council on Education and the AHEA.


Newport University is a Full Institutional Member of the Latvian Adult Education Association (LAEA), which is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, that unites adult education providers in Latvia – both individuals and organization. LAEA was founded on December 14, 1993 with support from Latvia’s Ministry of Education and Science and Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association.

LAEA has been a member organization of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) since 1995, joining the European Prison Education Association and European Adult Education Research Association (ESREA) in 1997. LAEA is a member of Latvian Platform of Development Education and Civic Alliance- Latvia.

The aim of LAEA – to promote development of non- formal adult education systems and to participate in life-long learning policy making, thereby promoting development of a civic, democratic and open society in Latvia.

Since its establishment LAEA has gained valuable experience in organizing various activities on local and national levels. LAEA has created a co-operation network of adult education providers from all towns and districts of Latvia, prepared trainers, elaborated and approved training programs, training and methodological materials.

Please see the Certificate of Membership.


Newport University is a Corporate Partner of the Royal Aeronautical Society of London. The Society has over 18,000 members in over 100 countries, an international network of 70 branches, over 180 organizations now take part in the society’s Corporate Partner scheme and more than 4000 young members worldwide. Newport University CED- School of Aeronautical Science and Management students are most welcome to join the Student membership, including FREE membership option and the graduates can become an Associate (ARAeS) through the Society’s online professional development tool mypath.

Please see the Certificate of Corporate Partnership.


Newport University is a Full Member of the Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS) which is a non-profit international association, that promotes cooperation among over 40 Universities from all around Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and works for the global advancement of educational standards in the Eurasian region. EURAS aims to open the borders of education to the widest possible public and to favor the exchange of knowledge and best practices among higher education institutions from all the Eurasian region.


Newport University is a Member of the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), USA which mission is to support sustainability as a critical focus of teaching, research, operations and outreach at colleges and universities worldwide through publications, research, and assessment. The ULSF also serves as the Secretariat for signatories of the ‘Talloires Declaration’, a ten-point action plan committing institutions to sustainability and environmental literacy in teaching and practice.


Newport University business courses have been evaluated by the Oxford Association of Management (OXIM), United Kingdom and signed an Affiliation Agreement that the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) holders have been recognized for Certified Doctor of Business Administration (CDBA), Certified Master of Business Administration (CMBA) and Certified Graduate of Business Administration (CGBA) membership awards respectively of the Association. The Oxford Association of Managers is recognized as a professional body by the UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills. Department Of Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) is a ministerial department of the United Kingdom Government created on 5 June 2009 by the merger of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR). The department is responsible for UK Government policies on business regulation, operation & licensing, further education, higher education, innovation, science & research, skills, trade and training. The Oxford Association of Managers is listed in the 38th, 37th and 36th Edition of the British Qualifications – QUALIFICATIONS AWARDED BY PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS.

Please see the Affiliation Agreement.


IAUHS International Association of Universities and Higher Schools

QA Certification Partner

Newport University has its own Quality Assurances Services to confirm its affiliated college’s/Approved Support Center’s institutional quality based on the efficient mechanisms to ensure specific program quality and consistency standards by applying ISO 9001:2008 certification with a close partnership with the QSCert a Slovak-German multinational Certification Body of Management Systems


International Listing

Newport University’s United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Listing.


Worldwide Classroom
Consortium for International Education & Multicultural Studies: For the past 38 years, Worldwide Classroom have been compiling and sharing information about programs around the world which welcome international participation and further educational and intercultural goals. Newport University CED listed in the WWC directory.


Worldwide Classroom ( WWC ) is listed in the directory of the U.S. Department  of Education (USNEI)

Accreditation Bodies for Global Regular and Distance Learning

Policy 0n Nondiscrimination: Newport University admits students and faculty of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions, policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs.

Statement of Accreditation: Before undertaking any program of studies in higher education or training. Newport University strongly advises interested applicants to consult with licensing authorities, professional associations, colleges and universities, and prospective employees to determine with clarity if the study program will meet their professional requirements.


News and Events
Newport University offers Tuition Free Distance Education projects for Deprived Citizens in different countries around the World
Tuition free distance undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs study project in different countries under the International Peace and Development Institute for deprived citizens around the world to confirm that every human being has inherited the right to learn for the welfare of the global society and become a leader.
Former Students Degree Verification
Please be informed that all the past degree holders of the University, who need to verify their degrees, contact directly along with an Application and soft-copies of Certificate and Transcript to the University office by e-mail at