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Faculties around the world from WIDU, NU and its LRC’s

ABGARYAN Edvard Aramovich Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU Rector of Institute of Business and Law since 1994. Doctor of Science in Philosophy, professor of sociology, academician of nine international and Russian Academies.

ABGARYAN E. A. Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU Rector of Institute of Business and Law since 1994. Doctor of Science in Philosophy, professor of sociology, academician of nine international and Russian Academies.

ABDRAKHMANOV B. K. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He has the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU.

AKPEROV I. G. Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU. Head of Institute of Management, Business and Law (IMB&L) since its formation in 1991. Doctor of Sciences in Economy, professor.

ALFYOROVA T. has received degrees of PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. She is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Alfyorova is an outstanding scientist, who put a remarkable part into studying of global problem-analyzing principles of development of bio-social and ecologic-economic systems. She had found the way to formulate problems of methodical support of principles of development of bio-social and ecologic-economic systems.

ANDREYEV A. has been Pro-rector of Penza Technological Institute, a branch of Penza State University since 2002.He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003 (PhD and Grand PhD in Global Problems). He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

ANUFRIEV I.K. Vice- President of the World Distributed Information University Cavalier and Commander of the International Order “Science. Education. Culture”, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor ANUFRIEV is President of international television Academy and co-chairman of the Section of television receiving systems of Russian-French scientific and technical co-operation committee. Academician Anufriev is the founder of scientific school, which can provide execution of the most important research works in the sphere of information science.

APPAK M. has earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Mikhail APPAK is a notable scientist who has made a valuable contribution in the solving such global problems like automation of management organizing systems, making systems of artificial intelligence for economic and telecommunication supplements.

ARBATOV G. has received diplomas of the Doctor and of the Grand Doctor of Philosophy at the World Information Distributed University. He is the Professor of this university. He is the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

ARKHANGELSKY S. has graduated from the WIDU for degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is the General Director of the newly-established Joint-Stock Company “Research-and-Production Center of Information and Transport Systems”.

ARNOLDOV A. has received degrees of PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. ARNOLDOV is the well-known specialist in the field of culture theory and culturology.

ASEYNOV S. A., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof., Rector of the Institute of World Economics and Finance since 1999.

ASTAFIEV B. has degrees of the Doctor and Grand Doctor of Philosophy and a Rank of the Full Professor of the World Information Distributed University. He is a Russian doctor of medical sciences, a Russian State professor, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the academician of the International academy of Informatization, a member of New York Academy of Sciences, the first vice-president of the International University of global problems of a universe.

ASHUTOSH MISHRA has competed Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy) in Management from Newport University in 2010. He is the Vice-President of India Department of Newport University. He is also the Executive Director (Planning), Institute of Integrated Management & Technology (IIMT), VARANASI. He is a Professor of the Newport University.

AVROROV V. has graduated from the WIDU in 2003. (PhD and Grand PhD in Global Problems).He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Valeriy Avrorov is the Chief of the Department “Machines and Apparatuses for Food Industries” of Penza State University.

BALABANOV V. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.
Balabanov V.S. is the known scientist in the field of state regulation of economic system, social processes, and efficiency of economic development and institution of businesses in modern Russia, the author of initiative development of the organizational – economic mechanism of scientific certification of the staff of the top skills.

BALAKINA A. P., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. Rector of All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry for Taxes of the Russian Federation since 1998.

BARJIS J. has earned degrees of the PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

BEISEMBETOV I. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He has the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU.

BEKHTEREVA N. P. has received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004.Academician Bekhtereva is a Research Manager, the Institute of Human Brain; Head of a research group of thinking, creativity and conscious neurophysiology; Doctor of medical sciences(eqv.Grand PhD) , Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of USSR State Award, foreign member of the Austrian and Finnish Academies of Sciences, the American Academy of Medicine and Psychiatry, the International Academy of Ecology, Human and Nature Safety; an honored member of the Hungarian Electrophysiological Association, an honored member of the Czechoslovakian Neurophysiologic and Neurosurgical associations named after Purkinye.

BERSHADSKY has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is a Head of “Computer-Aided Design” department of Penza State University, Russian Doctor of science in Technology, professor, Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Informatization, Academy of Open Education, Honorable Worker of Science of Russia.

BESSONOV A. has earned degrees of PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Bessonov is one of Russia’s experts in informational medicine. He worked out principles of the Informational-wave therapy, developed and carries out management of a number of medical programs and the studies of informational homeostasis in man. He focused on informational problems in medicine and proposed a theoretical concept to account for mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic radiation and biological and non-biological objects in a wide frequency range.

BICHUKOV A.A. has earned Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD, the Certificate of Full Professor from the World information Distributed University in 2004. He is an active member of Russia’s Academy of Arts, Vice-President, academician secretary of Russia’s Academy of Arts, People’ Artist of Russia, Professor, Rector of Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov, Art leader of Artists’ Studio named after V. V. Vereshchagin, chairman of Expert Council on Decorative and Monumental Art of Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation.

BEZJAZYCHNY V.F. Rector of Ryibinsk State Aviation Technological Academy (RSATA) since 1987, Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Honored Scientist and Technician of the RF, Academician of Academy for Problems of Quality. Academician of Academy of Science and Practice of Management, correspondent member of Academy of Technological Science of RF, correspondent member of Engineering Academy of Science, member of New York Academy of Science. His scientific work is within a sphere of a technology of mechanical engineering; specialization is technological supply of exploitation characteristics of the highly loaded details of machines. .V.F.Bezjazychny has earned degrees of PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

BIKMOULIN A. has earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2003. Professor Albert Bikmoullin is an outstanding scientist and an expert in the field of Information Theory, Informationology, Information-Analytical Activity and Society Informatization Society. He is the President of the Academy of Informatization of the Republic of Tatarstan.

BOCHKAREV V.K., PhD, Prof. Governor of the Penzenskaya Oblast’, has graduated from the WIDU for the Degree of PhD, Grand PhD in 2004. He has Certificate of Full Professor of the World Information Distributed University. He is a Cavalier of the World Order of Science, Education and Culture.

BOGDANOV A has earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Bogdanov is known as a scientist-theoretical and practical, developer of scientific-educational politics and innovation management.

BOKERIA L. has received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2001. Since 1994 heads the scientific center of the cardiovascular surgery of the name A.N. Bakuleva. He is the Laureate of Leninist and State Prizes.

BORODOVSKY G. A. has earned the Degree of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU, Physicist, and organizer of the personnel training for higher school.. From 1986 he is the Rector of LSPI (now Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia), Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics , Professor, Full Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the founder and member of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), member of the Presidium of RAE. Chairman of the North-Western Department of RAE.

BOSCO M. received his Ph.D. and Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University-WIDU in 2000. He received the degree of Grand Ph.D. from the WIDU in 2002. Born in Nice, France, in 1961, Dr. Michel Bosco received his Engineer Degree from the French National School for Civil Engineering in 1984, and his Doctorate with honors in the field of Computer Systems from the French National School for Space and Aeronautics in 1988. He has then be Senior Researcher with the Center for Studies of the French Ministry for Transport and Civil Works, and a Professor with the University of Massachusetts.

.BOYKOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Chair of “Higher and Applied Mathematics” of Penza State University since 1974, Doctor of Science (Mathematics Professor, Soros Professor, American Mathematical Society, & Physics), Member of Member Society, Member Honorary Schweitzer of Higher March 1941 USSR of European Mathematical of New York Academy, Professor of the Albert University, Honorable Worker Education of Russia.

BOZHENKOVA R.K. earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU.  She has been the Head of the Department of the Russian Language in Kursk State Technical University for the past 11 years. During this period of time a number of new complex innovative developments have been produced by this department. They cover the following fields of theory and practical studies: Russian as a foreign language (continues studies through the pre-university-university-post-university levels.

BYKOV D. has earned Degrees of PhD and of Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Bykov Dmitriy Vasilyevich: Rector OF MIEM, chairman of department “physical bases of electronic engineering”, professor, the Russian doctor of technical sciences; the Laureate of the State Prize to the Russian Federation; Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of RF, the corresponding member of the Academy of Engineering of RF, Member of the committee of international union on vacuum studies and technology. He is a Head of national committee on vacuum engineering and technologies RF, the Chairman of Russian scientific and technical vacuum society, the Cavalier of order the “sign of honor”.

CHADRAA B., President of Mongolian Academy of Sciences Member of Parliament of Mongolia, Ph.D., Grand PhD, Prof. of the WIDU, Academician of Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Academician of International Academy of High Education, Moscow, Honored Doctor of Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Meritorious Scientist of Mongolia, Leader Scientist of 21 century, Fellowship: World Academy of Sciences and World Innovation Foundation, Foreign member and Academician of Kirgizian Academy of Sciences, Author of more 300 scientific proceeding and books.

CHAPLYGIN J., Rector of Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology, Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU. Rector of Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University) (MSIET) since September 1998. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Academician of Metrological Academy of the RF, correspondent member of Inter- national Academy of Informatization, Head of chair of integral electronics and Microsystems, highly qualified specialist in micro-electronic sensors. There are more 100 published scientific works.

CHERGINETS N. has earned Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for international affairs and state security The Chairman of the Commission for International Policy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus.

CHERNOGOROV A.L., PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. Governor of Stavropol Region of Russian Federation. Alexander Chernogorov is a noted scientist, a distinguished statesman and a notable public man. He was elected as a Head of Government of Stavropol region in 1996 and re-elected in 2001.

CHIKHLADZE N. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003. He received degrees of PhD and of grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Mr. Chikhladze is the Professor of Kutaisi technical University. Prof. Nikolai Chikhladze is the outstanding scientist. He made a great contribution to the solution of the global problem in the field of the regional economy (taxes, regional problems of economic and fiscal relations). The main scientific results are exposed in the monographs: “Taxes, Experience, and Problems”, “Regional Problems of Economic and Fiscal Relations” , “Tax Systems of Foreign Countries”  and “Problems of Budgets Harmonization with the Regional Policy of the State”.

CHUCHIN A. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He received the Certificate of the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Chuchin A.E. (Alexander Chuchin, Kizhli Master, and Chuchin-Rusov) is an outstanding scientist, writer, artist and a teacher of new tendencies who contributed significantly in solving the global problem of over coming interdisciplinary barriers and “depressurizing compartments” of uncoordinated fields of knowledge as it was worded by the Noble Prize Winner, Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. I. Prigozhin.

CHULKOV V. has been Dean of the Faculty of Evening and Extra-Mural Study of Penza Technological Institute, a branch of Penza State University, since 2002.He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

DANILCHUK V. has the degrees PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of professor of the WIDU. He took office as Rector of Volgograd State Pedagogical University in 1987. Prior to his appointment, he served as Vice Rector for Research and Chair of Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Physics. He is a graduate of Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute (1963), holds an Ed. D. from Moscow Lenin State Pedagogical University (1973) and Doctor of Pedagogy (Russian post-doctoral degree) from Hertsen Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg (1997). As Rector, he has invested in the physical renovation of the campus on an unprecedented scale, launched an expansion in the humanities and sciences, led the effort to increase student enrollment and equip the University with modern technologies. During his administration VSPU has become one of the top ten most innovative and highly respected teacher training universities in Russia. Re-elected for his third term in 2002, Danilchuk has pledged to continue the agenda already in place and to put special emphasis on student learning and research excellence – both by upholding the traditional VSPU strengths and by promoting research in new fields that will contribute to the economic growth of Volgograd.

DI BIASE F. has Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Title Prof. of WIDU. He received his Medical Degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Resident in Dr. Paulo Niemeyer’s Neurosurgery and Neurology Service in Santa Casa da Misericordia Hospital, and in Neurosurgery Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar in Rio de Janeiro. He developed Neurology and Neurosurgery Service in Santa Casa Hospital in Barra do Pirai, Rio de Janeiro that he heads until now Medical staff of the National Institute of Social Providence. He created the Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Service in Santa Casa Hospital, and the Electroencephalography and Brain Mapping Service of Di Biase Clinic.

DIETZ has degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Title of Prof. of the WIDU.  After obtaining his Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1970 at Eindhoven University of Technology, he worked as practitioner in the field of automation and information systems for 10 years, before starting his scientific career. In 1987 he obtained his Doctoral Degree on the subject of modeling and specifying information systems. In January 1988 he was appointed Professor of Management Information Systems at the University of Maastricht in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

EKSTEIN K. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD in 2001. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Im Jahre 1982 – vor mehr als 20 Jahren – zog Prof. Dr. Karl A. Eckstein nach Moskau, um dort die Leitung der Vertretung des grossten Schweizer Industriekonsortiums zu ubernehmen. In dieser Eigenschaft vertrat er die Interessen schweizerischer Konzerne wie Nestle, Sulzer, SIG, Buhrle Oerlikon, Andre Lausanne, Buhler Uzwil, etc.Als 1986 die Morgenrote der Perestroika eine Offnung der Schleusen in den riesigen sowjetischen Binnenmarkt verprach, grundete Prof. Dr. Eckstein eine Beratungsgesellschaft. Deren Ziel war es, neu in den Markt eintretenden Firmen Starthilfe zu leisten und sie beim Aufbau einer Infrastruktur zu unterstutzen.Heute werden betrachtliche Ressourcen in der Entwicklung von Handelsbeziehungen eingesetzt.

EGOROV V. N. is Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., and Professor of WIDU, Rector of Ivanovo State University since January 2000, Doctor NAUK (eqv. Grand PhD) in Economy, professor, Graduated from Ivanovo State university with honors degree in 1975. He has been working in the university for 25 years where he started as an assistant, Served as pro-rector on scientific work, Heads the Economic Analysis and Accounting Chair, Member of the three Thesis Councils, Member of the Presidium of the Academy of Production Managers, Chairman of the Region Expert Economic Council.

EKMANIS J. has earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He is a President of Latvia Academy of Sciences.

EMURANOV V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Emuranov is a specialist in development and production microelectronic instruments. He is the president of University of Economics of Industrial Radio electronic and Instrument Engineering.

EPSHTEIN L. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. She is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

EROKHIN M. N., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof of WIDU, Rector of Moscow V.P. Goryachkin State University of Agricultural Engineers (MSUAE) since 1995. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Honored Scientist of the RF.

EVANS J. M., President of American Biographical Institute, Inc. Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU. Professor Evans is a world famous public figure in Biography and Publishing. She has devoted herself to research of problems of the Civil Society. Side by side with other outstanding scholars, Professor Evans has publicly testified an importance of great personalities to society. She has proposed patterns of building nucleus of organization of the prominent individuals of the whole world. She has proposed to compose and publish a book about 1000 individuals living in the world today, who have demonstrated the ability to be great leaders, thinkers, intellectuals, inventors.

EVREINOV E. PhD, Grand PhD, Prof , President of the European Academy of Informatization, the President of the World Information Distributed University and World Distributed University; The Grand Master of the World Order “Science. Education. Culture”;. Eduard Evreinov is famous for his work in informatics, especially for his development for an area of study focusing on homogeneous Computing systems, structures and mediums. These results were commended by Lenin prize (N° 2), the highest scientific award in the world at that period of time (1957). He is academician of many international academies of sciences and is given the highest scientific title of “The World’s Elder in distributed information processing”.

EVTIHIEV N. has received Diplomas of the Doctor and of the Grand Doctor of Philosophy at the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of this university. Evtihiev N.N. is the academician of the Russian Academy of Science, the Hero of Socialist Work, the Honored Worker of a Science and Technique of Russia, the president of the Moscow State Institute of a Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automatics (technical university).

FATTAKHOV I. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is a Full Professor of the WIDU. Grand PhD Fattakhov is the Chairman of the Commission on Sanitary -Ecological Problems of the Republic of Tatarstan. He has the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), he is a member of the International Informatization Academy (RT). Mr. Ildar Bareevich Fattakhov is the outstanding scientist in the field of regulation of nature management, environment protection and ecological safety. Being a member of the Presidium of Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, he exerts a direct influence on the development of these spheres for the benefit of the Republic. Under the guidance of Mr. Fattakhov the Concept of Regional System of Monitoring and Eco-technologies for improvement of environment and accident-free functioning of industrial projects is developed.

FAYZULAEV B. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Academician Fayzulaev is a leading Russian scientist and expert in the field of transistor electronics engineering, microelectronics and electromagnetic compatibility, Chief designer and developer of electronic circuit of a high-speed computer I, II, III and IV generations.

FEDOTOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Head of Economic Cybernetics Dpt., Penza State University (Penza, Russia) Doctor of Science in Technical Cybernetics.

FRANK received the degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and a Title of Professor from the WIDU. He is a celebrated scientist and distinguished pedagogue. Academician FRANK is a president of the International Academy of Science (AIS): in San Marino.

FROLOV K.V. has degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Professor from the WIDU.

The academician Konstantin V. Frolov is well known in the wide scientific world as an outstanding scientist as well as talented manager of science and public leader. K.Frolov organized and conducted a number of major science & technology projects, being a Vice president of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1985-1996. Leading “Znanie” (“Knowledge”) society, K.Frolov made a considerable contribution to the enlightenment, educational activities. Konstantin Frolov is the Director of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Hero of the Socialist Labor, Lenin and State Prize winner, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, the author of over 300 scientific papers on the dynamics of machines. K.Frolov is the founder of the new scientific branch – biomechanics of man-operator under the vibration. The scientific research of K.Frolov had wide application in the industries – in shipbuilding, in transport and agriculture, mining and metallurgy machine building.

GAIFULLIN V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He has earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Grand PhD Gaifullin is the rector of Tatar State Institute for the Humanities.

GENGIN M. got the degree of Doctor of Science (Biology) in 2002. And in 1998 he became Professor. M. Gengin is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education, an acting member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Since 1989 he has been Head of Chemistry and Biochemistry department in the Penza State Pedagogical University, named after Belinsky. Since 2001 he has been a deputy rector in scientific research work in the Pensa State Pedagogical University, named after Belinsky. Scientific interests: Biochemistry of the brain, molecular-biochemical mechanisms of the regulative peptide functioning; ferments, involved in the metabolism of the regulative peptide; molecular-biochemical mechanisms of formation a pathological craving for alcohol, drugs. He graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

GEYCHMAN V. Rector Russian Law Academy under the Ministry for Justice of the Russian Federation Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor, and Academician Vladimir Geychman was born in 1931. In 1952 he graduated from the Moscow Law University. Since the 1st of October 1952 he has been working in the Higher Education System. In 1970 he got a degree of candidate of sciences in jurisprudence (eqv. Ph.D.). In 1972 he was awarded the title of an assistant professor and in 1990 – that of a professor. Prof. Geychman has got excellent organizational skills in education and administration. From 1972 to 1998 Dr. Geychman worked in the Russian Law Academy under the Ministry for Justice of the Russian Federation as the head of the civil law department. From 1998 to 2001 he was the Vice-president of the Academy. And since 2001 Dr. Geychman has been the President of the Academy.

GORBACHENKO V. graduated from the Penza Polytechnic Institute in 1970, major – “Computers” and in 1973 he finished post-graduate courses at the above mentioned Institute, major – “Computer technology”. V. Gorbachenko is Doctor of Technical Science, Professor (2002). Since 2002 he has been Head of Computer Systems and Modeling department of the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky. Scientific interests: neuromathematics, i.e. solving computing mathematical problems with the use of neural networks; numerical methods and specialized computer systems for solving boundary problems of the field theory; mathematical modeling. V. Gorbachenko is the author of 250 scientific works including the first Russian monograph on solving boundary problems of the field theory by using neural networks:

He graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

GORBATOV V. has received degrees of the Doctor and Grand Doctor of Philosophy and a Rank of the Full Professor of the World information Distributed University. Gorbatov Vyacheslav Afanasjevich is the academician of many academies, including the International Academy of Information, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the International Academy of Information Sciences, the Academy of Medical-Engineering Sciences, the Russian doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, the doctor of technical sciences, the doctor of economic sciences, the Grand Doctor of Philosophy, the Full Professor.

GOSHULLYAK V. graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Law. V.Goshulyak has been Dean of the Faculty of History at the Penza State Pedagogical University since 1997. Scientific interests: the constitutional legislation of the Russian Federation entities. V. Goshulyak published a number of monographs: “The Constitutional Legislation of the Russian Federation Entities” (Moscow, Norma, 1999), “The Constitutional Basis of the Modem Russian Federalism” (Moscow, RasN, 1999), “The Theoretical and Legal Problems of the Constitutional Legislation of the Russian Federation Entities” (Moscow, YANUS-K, 2001), “The Notion of Property in the Russian Constitutional Law.

He graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

GRITSENKO A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD; He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He used to study at Artillery College for 1950-1953 and Engineering-Economical Institute, Ukrainian Polytechnic Institute, Donetsk Medical Institute. At present time he is a member of Academy of Medical-Technical Science, Russian Academy of Natural Science (RANS),’Attainments and Technologies of Noosphere’ section, Invention Academy, Economics and Sociology Italian Academy, International Academy of Nature and Society Science. He has formulated The Rule of Beginnings, Evolution and Solution of Pathological Process in Human Organism’ (1980) and ‘The Rule of Formation and Pathology of Mentality’ (1990) while studying spiritual culture traditions and analyzing progress trend for using its as a base for the medical care. He is an active supporter of the Nervism Theory and Singular Etiology of the most known diseases. He is also an author of discoveries and medical rules based on the latest theories to origin, evolution and medical treatment of human pathology. He has established a Russian School of Vertebrodiagnostics, a Russian Medical-Engineering Center of Segmentation Innervation’s Organs and Tissue Recovery (1989) and an Institute of Spare Capacities Recovery of Human (1991).

GUEORGUIEVA T. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2000. She earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Tatyana Gueorguieva was born in 1940, Russia. She graduated from the Moscow State University and received the degrees of MS, of Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and of Russian Doctor of Sciences (equal to the Grand PhD). She showed herself as a pedagogue of highest qualification and a gifted scientist. . Professor Gueorguieva profoundly has investigated philosophical problems of education and culture over 25 years. She made the noticeable contribution to the development of concept of liberal education in Russia. Recently Prof. Gueorguieva spoke at conferences in many countries of Europe. She published many scientific papers and monographs about 200 quires.

HE MATTHEW has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degrees of the PhD and Grand PhD and certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Dr. Matthew He is the full Professor and the Director of the Division of Math, Science, and Technology of Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA. Dr. Matthew He received his Ph. D. in Mathematics in University of South Florida in 1991. Dr. Matthew X. He was research associate at the Department of Mathematics, Eldgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland, the Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.

HETAGUROV Y. has earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. Academician Hetagurov is the General director of the Main computer center of Intourist, the Vice- chairman of dissertational Council on awarding the scientific degree “DOKTOR NAUK” D.520.005.01, the Professor of faculties: ” Applied mathematics “(Moscow aviation institute) and ” Intellectual control systems ” (Moscow engineering – physical institute), the Member of ” Educational methodical association ” at MGTU (Bauman Institute), the Member of Council ” Virtual computer museum ” Russia. The main directions of his scientific researches are devoted to problems of development of the theory and practice of creation of the highly reliable digital computing systems working in real time. He was the main designer of 15th MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS of sea and ground basing. His basic theoretical and practical results for them are stated in 22 books, monographs and manuals.

IKSQNOV A.G. took office in September 2000 as a General Director of State Academic Bolshoi theatre. He graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, faculty of theater science (chair of economy and organization of theatre management) for degree M.A. in 1977. He received his Ph.D. in Global Problems and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004.

ILYIN V. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.V. Ilyin graduated from the Saratov State University named after Chemyshevsky with the qualification in Biology and Chemistry in 1981. V. Ilyin has been the Head of Zoology and Ecology Department at the Penza State University named after Belinsky since 1993. He has been a member of the International Surviving Species Committee (SSC/IUSN), Switzerland since 1994. V. Ilyin got the degree of Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor in 2000. The area of his scientific research is fauna, zoogeography and ecology of land vertebral animals of European part of Russia and adjacent regions. He took part in seven expeditions of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; he was the organizer and the inspirer of more than thirty expeditions of Zoology and Ecology Department at the Penza State Pedagogical University. These expeditions worked in the Caucasus and the South Urals, Kazakhstan, the Volga region, Siberia, etc. The results of this scientific work were included into the volume «Animals» of the International Red Book; they were reported in Great Britain and published in Spain, France, Poland, the USA and Russia. For the first time in the world he proved dependence of spreading non-nomadic hand-winged species on the definite forms of relief. He published about 100 scientific works.

ISKHAKOV G. G. has received the Decrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full JOHANSEN; Prof., Ph.D., Grand PhD of the WIDU is a famous scientist of America, who has made an outstanding contribution to entomology. His main achievements are: Discovery and description of Thysanoptera and the description of about 200 new species; pioneer papers on Thysanoptera Behavior, Biogeography, Phylogeny and Economic Importance.

KAGRAMANJAN S. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degree of PhD and for Degree of Grand PhD in 2004. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Kagramanjan is the Rector of Lazarev’s Institute of Oriental Studies (LIOS).

KARPOV V. has received diplomas of the Doctor and of the Grand Doctor of Philosophy at the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of this university. Having served 25 years, Karpov it was transferred to the reserve, being a member of the Union of writers of the USSR and the author of several books. In the eightieth years Vladimir Karpov worked as the editor-in-chief of magazine «New world “. At VII congress of writers of the USSR has been elected the First secretary of Board of the Union of writers of the USSR. Wide popularity was received with his stories «Commanders novels» “Eternal fight” and “Marshal baton “Commanders grow grey early “and «Not a sword single “. Vladimir Karpov has brought to fiction about Armed forces in the invaluable contribution. Karpov – the trailblazer, the path breaker, as well as is necessary to the courageous scout. Vladimir Karpov has glorified himself such fine historical products, as the novel about the hero Great Patriotic War, the general of army Petrov, the novel about the great commander the Marshal of Soviet Union Zhukov, many researches about commanders of the past war.

KAZAKOV A. Rector of Penza V.G. Belinsky State Pedagogical University Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU. He is Rector of Penza V.G. Belinsky State Pedagogical University since 1989. PhD in Physics and Mathematics, professor. Honorable Worker of Higher Education of Russia, member of International Academy of Informatization, International Academy of Pedagogical Education, bearer of the Order of Friendship. A.Yu. Kazakov’s professional life is connected with the Penza State Pedagogical University: a laboratory assistant, assistant, senior instructor, dean of the physics and mathematics faculty, chair of the department of general physics. Fields of scientific activities: radio physics, information systems application in education.

KHAIRULLIN N. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Academician Khairullin is the Rector of the Kazan State Finance Institute.

KHALEEVA I. I., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU, Academician, is the Rector of Moscow State Linguistics University (MSLU) since October 1986. Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Education, full member of RANS, academician of IAS HS and International Academy of Informatization. Chairman of EMA on the linguistic education, member of the commission of the RF on the UNESCO affairs, President of the UNESCO project “Linguauni”. Author of more than 100 scientific works in methods of teaching of foreign languages and translation, general linguistics and Germanic studies.

KHASSANOV M. has received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He graduated for the Degree of MS from the Kazan State University in 1955. He received the Degree of KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv.PhD) in1961 and the Degree of DOKTOR NAUK (eqv. Grand PhD) in Philology in 1971.He is the Professor (1974), full member AN RT (1991), full member of the International Academy of Informatization, Russian humanitarian Academy, Russian Technological Academy, National Academy of Chuvash Republic, Turkish Society in the Humanities; member of Scientific Council “West- East” with the University of Maryland (USA); The Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan (1995).He is the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Director of the Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia. The basic directions of scientific studies of Prof. Khassanov are connected with the study of the history of Tatar literature from the earliest times on the contemporary period.

KHRYANIN V. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. In 1963 he graduated from the Belinsky Pensa State Pedagogical University with the specialty of the Biology and Geography teacher, m 1967 he finished postgraduate study at the Krupskaya Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute with the specialty “Plant Physiology”. He is Doctor of Biology (1981), Professor (1982), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Society of Physiologists of Russia’s plants. Since 1983 he is Head of Botany sub-faculty at the Belinsky Pensa State Pedagogical University. Scientific interests: study of sex evolution and regulation, ontogenesis and plants productivity. Ecological hormone genetic concept of plant sex manifestation was formulated. New original provisions on the role of organs and fitohormones synthesized in them in sexualization of plants were worked out. In the 60-ies the following methods were put forward: the method of malt receipt escalation and activity increase of amylase ferment in malt for maltose production with the help of gibberellins. Since the 90-ies the method of blow-and-wave impact on seeds with the aim of plant productivity increase in closed soil has been used. The patents have been got. More than 180 works are published, 2 of them are monographs devoted to the problem of plant sex (one of them was translated into English.

KHVADAGIANI A. graduated from the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) in 2004. He received the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Khvadagiani is the Rector of Kutaisi State Technical University. The object of Professor Amiran Khvadagiani is getting materials, containing of improved physical-mechanical properties. Professor A. Khvadagiani belongs to those Georgian scientists which first time in Georgia began to research and develop the new scientific direction {self-disseminating high temperature synthesis.

Professor Hans-Joachim Kempe is a World-renowned Scientist, medical professional and Academician in the field of biomedical Engineering & Immunology, Inventor of the Genopuls-System;

In 2007, he became the First Vice-President of the privileged European Academy of Informatization-AEI in Belgium and received with Honours his International PhD, Grand PhD and Full Professorship. Prof. Kempe is President/CEO of Genopuls Technic LLC; Chief Scientist of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (Forschungszentrum Prof. Kempe GbR- Germany).

KISELYOVA T. G. is the Rector of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts since April 1998. MS (1965), KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv. Doctor of Science in Pedagogy), DOCTOR NAUK (eqv. Grand PhD), professor, Honored Artist, Academician of International Academy of Informatization. Professor KISELYOVA has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004.She has Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD (WIDU).Academician KISELYOVA has the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU.

KLEIMYONOV S.A, PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. Academician KLEIMYONOV is a distinguished scientist and a founder of the Academy of Management Innovation (AMI). Academic and professional background: MS, Moscow Aviation University,1964-70; KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv PhD), 1970-74; Assistant of Prof. 1975-76; Associate Prof. 1977-79; DOKTOR NAUK (eqv Grand PhD), 1975-85; Russian State Professor, 1986; PhD, Grand PhD, 2004, World Information Distributed University (WIDU); Full Professor of the WIDU, 2004. Main Fields: Education, Aviation, Management, International Cooperation. Career: Present position: President, Rector, AMI; Director, Rector, Radio High Technical Institute.

Academician KOIFMAN O.I. is the author of 450 articles in the field of synthesis , physic-chemical properties and practical application of porphyrins, metalloorphyrins, their structural analogues and liquid-crystalline compounds; – published 6 manuscripts and author of 20 patents and author’s certificates; – developed the principles of porphyrin-chain polycondensation, polymerized polymers on the base of ; – multimerization active synthetic porphyrins; – developed new light sensitive materials “Reoxan” for registering phase, holographic images with high optic parameters obtained on the base of porphyrin photo catalysts; – developed thermo- and photostabilizeris of polyvinylchloride compositions for producing tent materials. Oscar Iosifovich Koifman, rector of the University of Chemistry and technology, Ivanovo Russia. He has the Russian State Degrees: MS, KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv.PhD), DOCTOR NAUK (eqv.Grand PhD) in chemical sciences. He is the Russian State Professor; He has graduated from the WIDU for Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD in 2004. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

KONDRASHIN V. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. In 1983 he graduated from the Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University, specialization “teacher of History, social science and the English language”. In 1992 he finished post-graduate course in the USSR History Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He is a doctor of historical sciences, professor (1997). He has been head of the chair of native history and system of teaching history in the Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University. Area of scientific interests: the agrarian history of Russia in the 20*1 century Since the beginning of 1990-es he is a participant of international projects of the RAS Russian History Institute: “Sociological-Historical Study of Russian Villages”, “The Peasant Revolution in Russia”, “The Tragedy of the Soviet Village: Collectivization and Dispossession of the Kulaks”, “The Soviet Village through the eyes of AREC – OGPU – PCDA”. He is a laureate of grants by Soros, Ford, RGNF funds for his works in the agrarian history of Russia.

KORENEVSKY N N. earned the degree of PhD, the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU. In 1975 he graduated from the Kursk Polytechnic Institute.

Mr. Korenevsky has been working at the Kursk State Technical University since 1975. In 1983 he submitted Candidate thesis in the field of Technical Cybernetics and Theory of Information. In 1993 Mr. Korenevskiy submitted Doctorate thesis in the field of Management in biological and medical sciences and in 1994 he was awarded by the scientific degree of Professor.

In 1993 he founded and became a head of the chair of Biochemical, Informational and Technical Apparatus and Systems. The students of this chair are trained on three levels: bachelors, specialists and holders of Master’s degree.

Mr. Korenevskiy successfully uses creative approach in educational process, preparing specialists in the field of biomedical techniques on such specialties as Biotechnical and medical apparatus and systems and Engineering in medical and biological work. Bachelors and Masters in Biomedical Engineering are also prepared here.

KORLYAKOV A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering School in 1973. He made his military service in the Navy, on strategic-purpose atomic missile submarine cruisers. He was on the staff of several State Commissions, held lectures. He is the Russian Doctor of technical sciences, professor. PhD, Grand PhD, Full Professor. He is a Winner of International Prizes, Full member of a number of International Academies, Constitutor of some foundations, and founder of international and Russian Universities and Academies. The main endeavors of his activities are educational programmers. He is President of the World Distributed University which was registered in May, 1999 in Saint Petersburg.

KOROTKOV I. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He has the Title of Full Professor of the WIDU. Academician Korotkov is the full member of Academy of Problems of Safety, Defense and the Law and Order of the Russian Federation, the full member of the Russian Academy of Astronautics of a name K.E.Tsioikovsky, the full member of Academy Creativity Sciences and Doctrines, the Doctor of Philosophy, Grand Doctor of Philosophy. Full Professor, DOKTOR NAUK,., the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences(PhD), the Honorable Doctor of Innovative – Creative Management, the Honorary Member of the Union of Lawyers of Russia, Managing faculty « Technology of mechanical engineering » at Podolsk Institute of the Moscow State Open University. The scientific career was beginning in 1983 after the graduating from the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute on specialty «Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machine tools and tools» (MS). He was working at the enterprises of machine-building structure and deal with problems of tool manufacture. I.Korotkov has inventions by kinds of industrial equipment. His works are connected with development and introduction of new methods of the combined processing of difficulty profile products both for the tool industry, and for products of space-rocket techniques and they have an exclusive importance

KOSTIN A. The President of the Moscow Branch of World Distributed University, Cavalier and Commander of the International Order “Science. Education. Culture”, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor. Professor A. Kostin is an eminent scientist of Russia, his name and works are known all over the world. He is widely known as a great scientist in the field of documentation and director of a large corporation producing all kinds of information facilities and technologies used in the system of higher and secondary education. All his scientific and production activities are devoted to the improvement of education system applying to the newest information technologies. The information training systems elaborated on the basis of Professor Alexander Kostin’s ideas are widely adopted in Eastern and Central Europe and other countries of the World.

KRAVTCHUCK P. P. is Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, Full Member of the Academy of Arts, and Vice-President of this Academy. She earned the degree of PhD, the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU.
During 34 years of labor activity in the system of Higher Education (since 1970) P.Kravtchuck, as the Chief of the Department and then as the Dean, paid much attention to examining  creative activity and personality, worked out innovative methods of training High School specialists, based upon the student’s personality formation and, first of all, his/her creative potential. The results were successful and they were presented in the publications and methods works, approved at the international, Russian and regional conferences.

This conception and technology became the basis of the science school, which has been headed by Pavlina Pheodosievna for the last 16 years, as the Chief of the Department of the KSTU. Lecturers of the Department successfully use these methods in the development of creative thinking at lectures and seminars.
During ten years Kravtchuk P. has been coordinating the work of 9 Russian Higher Schools while working out the State Programme “Russia’s Peoples:
Revival and Development” in the sphere of: “Creative functions in the development of Society”.

KREVCHIK has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU Chair of the Physics department of Penza State University since 2003. Doctor of Science in Physics, professor. Full professor in Theoretical Physics, Institute for Basic Research, P.O. Box 1577, Palm Harbor, Fl 34682, USA.

KRUPENIO N. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor N.N.Krupenio is the scientist, who has brought in the contribution to development of theoretical ecology and methods of remote research of a terrestrial surface in interests of definition of a condition of natural resources and the ecological control. The basic scientific results are stated in monographs: «Information pollution of the environmental natural environment»,» the History of ecology “, ” Ecologists and scientists. Their ideas and realization» He managed to formulate and consider a problem of information pollution of an inhabitancy of the person and to connect questions of information pollution with their influence on an inner world of the person. The basic results are published Grand PhD. Krupenio in the following articles and works: « Information pollution of the environmental natural environment. », « the History of ecology », « Ecologists and scientists. Their ideas and realization », « Information environmental contamination of Russia », « Extreme approaches to ecoprograms for Russia».

KUDINOV A. is the Rector of Tver State University since 1986. Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor, Academician Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Academician of International Academy of Informatization, IAS HS, Honored Academician of International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RF. A significant scientist in the field of mechanics of deformed bodies and mathematical modeling of complex systems and processes. Author of about 200 scientific works and seven inventions. Last years the scientific interests of A.N. Kudinov were directed for creation of mathematical models of complex systems (economic, ecological etc.). Twice, in 1993 and 1997, the American Biographical Society honored him with a title “Man of Year”.

KUPREYCHIK L. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is President of World University of Science, Education and Society Development. Professor Kupreychik is one of the outstanding scientists of Russia, public figure and talented psychotherapist. He is widely known in the Russian psychological community. He considers-that the cardinals break in a science can be achieved by uniting of different areas of scientific knowledge. He works hard above creation of the new conceptual model of psychology that is basing on physiology and also on last researches in the field of genetics and biochemistry of cell processes- He strongly believes that it will allow switching psychology from area of humanitarian sciences in area of natural sciences. He develops and supports the concept of psychobiology and psychogenetic. Within his scientific works and monographs he focuses his attention to researches of unconscious processes as the demonstration of natural process of functional asymmetry of brain hemispheres. He is the author of the concept of psychotherapeutic efficiency.

KUPRYANOV V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is the Doctor of technical science (equal to the Grand PhD), Professor, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Science, Head of the chair of architecture, Rector of the Kazan State Academy of architecture and Civil Engineering, Academician of three public Academies: International Academy of Information, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academy of Humanities, Honored worker of science and techniques of Tatarstan Republic, Honorable worker of higher education in Russia, Honored worker of higher school of Russia, engineer-teacher of the International society of engineering education (JGIP, RU-78). He is the author and co-author of more than 150 scientific works (including 1 monograph, 2 textbooks for institutions, 1 manual, 12 copyright certificates and patents for inventions).

KUZBOZHEV E. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003. He earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. As a celebrate person he is named in the World Register “Outstanding Researchers & Professors”. Kuzbozhev Eduard Nikolayevich was borne in 1941.The degree of MS he received in Leningrad in 1964. Having the profession of programmer he was directed to the computer center of the Western Siberian administration of the Main Administration of the Hydro meteorological Service of the USSR (Novosibirsk). In 1968 he headed the division ASU of important defense enterprise, and then he was the key personnel of design bureau for the design of “standard” ASU for enterprises in the defense ministries of union of the USSR. Fundamental knowledge of mathematics, programming and design of control systems in combination with the practical economic work in domestic enterprises assist him in his formation as a mature scientist. The first significant scientific works were published in the 70?s in the All-Union journals “Questions of radio electronics” and “Electronic engineering” and contained the original treatments of some problems of the creation in the USSR of automated control systems by enterprises. He published more than 200 scientific and educational papers and 19 monographs.

LABUNOV V. graduated from the WIDU for degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the full Professor of the WIDU.

Vladimir Labunov (Belarus) is a former Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Byelorussia in European Union, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and NATO. Professor Vladimir Labunov embodies the ideal of the fusion of the scientist, administrator, and diplomat. An outstanding research scientist specialized in the field of microelectronics; he has also distinguished himself in the reorganization of scientific research and teaching in the USSR. From 1989 to 1994 he served in national politics and since then he has served as Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Byelorussia in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg, the Permanent Representative of Byelorussia at the European Union and to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

LAYMAN D.P., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU. Dale Pierre LAYMAN is a celebrated scientist, splendid pedagogue and bearer of genuine American Culture. He has a deep knowledge in many fields of science, technology, of the humanities, and religion. This fundamental preparedness helps him to solve Global Problems and formulate strictly new ones. He was The First, who proposed to study and teach to solve the Global Problem of potentially irreversible evolutionary process From Homo Sapiens to Robo Sapiens. His practical result in this direction was a creating of Robowatch s organization, aimed to keep a watchful human eye on the continuing evolution of high level artificial intelligence, that may pose an imminent or eventual threat to Natural.

LAZAREV A.I. has earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004.

In 1993 A. I. Lazarev was elected the dean of the department of medical psychology and nursing. In 1999 A. I. Lazarev was appointed Vice-Rector in charge of the educational process of the Kursk state medical university. April 14, 2004 Pr. Lazarev was approved as the rector of State educational establishment of higher professional education “Kursk state medical university of RF Ministry of Health Service”. Pr. Lazarev is the chairman of KSMU Scientific Council and that of KSMU Central methodical council. A. I. Lazarev is the member of Natural Sciences Russian Academy and Medico0technological sciences Academy.

LEVIN V. is the Chief of the Mathematical System Modeling Laboratory of Penza Technological Institute. He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003 (PhD and Grand PhD in Global Problems). He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is a Russian Doctor of Technical Sciences, Russian State Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, of the International Science Academy of Ecology and Environmental Protection, of the RF Academy of Social Sciences; He is a RF Honored Scientist, Honored Worker of RF Higher Education, Sorous Professor.

LINKOV V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He received the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. a. V. Linkov graduated from the Penza Polytechnic Institute in 1973, major -”Electronic calculating-machines” and in 1980 he finished post­graduate courses at the Penza Polytechnic Institute, major – “Technical cybernetics”. V. Linkov is Doctor of Technical Science (1994), and Prof%ssor (1996). Since 1994 he has been Head of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology Department of the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V. G. Belinsky. Since 2000 he has been a Deputy Rector of information technologies at the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V. G. Belinsky. In 1981 he defended his thesis for a technical candidate’s degree, major -”Automatic Systems of Management”. In 1994 he defended his thesis for a doctor’s degree, major – «Theoretical Basis of Information Technology”. Scientific interests: theoretical problems of information technology and programming; application of new information technologies into the educational process and university management.

LITVINOV V. , PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. Vladimir V. LITVINOV is an outstanding scientist, organizer, a chief and a theorist on management by large national and transnational corporations, having the aim of creation of large information and computer systems of strategic destination. The proceedings of Ph.D. and Grand Ph.D. Vladimir V. Litvinov became a basis of creation of original concepts and models of reforming of defense enterprises, modern forms of economic management of creation of large information systems of ground and space basing, and reflected in his monographs “Organization and management of enterprises of defense-industrial complex in conditions of economy in transition period” (1999) and “Strategy of organization of management by enterprises, developing large information-and-technical systems in conditions of economy in changeover period” (2001).The academician Vladimir V. Litvinov has developed theoretical basis of organization and management of defense-industrial complex in the transitive period.

LOMTEV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Adviser of rector of Penza State University since 1999.Doctor of Science in Technology, professor. Full member of International Academy of Informatization.Honoured Worker of Science and Engineering of RF.Honorable Worker of Higher Education of Russia.

LUBIMOV M. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Lubimov is a prominent organizer and scientist in sphere of automated and information technologies of complex systems of safety, engineering maintenance and management. Professor Lubimov M. M. is a Russian Doctor of Technical Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Grand Doctor of Philosophy, member of the International Academy of Informatization, member of the Academy of Safety Problems, Occupational Safety and Low, and other social-scientific academies. He is an author more than 100 scientific work (monographs, articles, research and engineering works), he trained more than 50 Doctors of Philosophy and Grand Doctors of Philosophy, Russian candidates and doctors of science in Russia and abroad.

LUZHKOV Y. earned the Degree of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU. Yuri Luzhkov has been the mayor of Moscow since 1992 and is claimed to wield unprecedented power over the capital city’s government.

LVOV D. earned Degrees of the PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of the Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. D.S. Lvov (b. 1930), academician of RAS, academician-secretary of Economic Department of RAS; specialist in the field of capital investments and new techniques efficiency theory; economic management of investment processes; economic problems of technological progress. He has graduated from Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute. In 1966-1972 he worked in the Institute of Economy RAS, from 1972 – chief of Laboratory, Department CEMI; deputy director of the same Institute from 1991. Economic dimension theory and methods, worked out by D.S. Lvov, are the basis of some methods and systematic recommendations in capital investments and new techniques efficiency problems. His scientific works and problem articles on reforms theory and practice in Russia are wide known in his country and abroad. Under the direction of D.S. Lvov CEMI scientists work out theoretical basis of transition period economy; conduct researches and experimental development of alternative variants of effective economy functioning mechanisms; taxes and grand policy; fiscal policy and financial regulation in budget deficit condition; institutional reorganization and privatization; investment and structural policy.

MAKARKIN has earned the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD, the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He is the Rector of Mordovian N.P. Ogarev State University since 1991. Doctor of Science in Economics (eqv. Grand PhD), professor. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization, of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, of the Academy of Social Sciences. Honorable Worker of Science of the RF, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the RF.

MAKAROV V. earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. Academician Makarov is the Director of the Central Economic-Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, the Rector of Russian Economic School, the Head of Chair of applied problems of economic-mathematical modeling of economic faculty of the Moscow State University, Member of Council on awarding the scientific degree of DOKTOR NAUK D.520.005.01.The basic directions of his scientific researches: mathematical economy, computer modeling of social and economic processes.

MAKSIMOV E. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of the PhD and of the grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is the Russian doctor of medical sciences, and the professor, the Academician of the International academy of the Informatization, the First vice-president of Interstate Russian – Lithuanian Academy Energy-informatics, Biology and Medicine, the President of Joint-Stock Company ” Company EDMA “. Professor Maksimov E.B. is known for the innovative works in innovational medicine. He is the inventor of portable devices of diagnostics and therapy, well recommending itself in clinical and domestic conditions. Professor Maksimov E.B. has published more than 100 scientific works including three monographs.

MARAKUTSA G., Supreme Council Chairman of the PMR , has graduated from the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) in 1999. He has the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. He is a Cavalier of the World Order.

MATYTSIN O. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Matytsin is the Rector of the Russian State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (RSUPTST).

Svjatoslav MEDVEDEV S. received the Degrees of Ph.D., Grand Ph.D. and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He was born in 1949 in Leningrad. He graduated for the Degree of MS from the Leningrad State University in 1972. He received the degree of KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv. Ph.D.) in Physics from the Leningrad State University in 1978. He was awarded the Degree of DOKTOR NAUK (eqv. Grand Ph.D.) in Biology by the Scientific Council of the IHNAN in 1987. He was elected as a Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). In 1997 Prof. Medvedev is elected as a Director of Institute of Human Brain of RAS.

Jacob MESENZHNIK J. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Jacob Mesenzhnik is the elder, the ancestor and the head of new scientific schools and the directions, the outstanding Russian scientist with a global name in the field of cable technical equipment. Among of J.Z.Mesenzhnik’s main scientific achievements is the creation by him for the first time in the world the general theory, methods of complex calculation, a basis of designing and forecasting of reliability special, including multipurpose cables for the oil-and-gas industry at their operation in conditions of multifactor influence. Executed under manual Prof Mesenzhnik (1960-2001 r.) the big complex of works on creation, technological and operational adaptation of wide scale of cables for seismic prospecting, electro drilling, geophysical works in the chinks, the mechanized oil extracting has resulted in saturation of the oil-and-gas industry of Russia by special cables of a domestic production.

MESHERYAKOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. First vice – rector of Penza State University since 1999. Candidate of Science in Technology, Professor. Member of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodological Center in the field of instrument-making. Member of the Academy of Informatization in Education. Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russia. Honored Worker of Higher School of Russian Federation.

George METAKIDES G. has received Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2002. Born in Thessalonica, Greece in 1945, Prof. Metakides received as a Fulbright scholar a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Logic from Cornell University in 1971. He pursued an academic career in the U.S.A. at MIT, Cornell University and Rochester University until 1978, when he returned to Greece to take the Chair of Logic at the University of Patras. He has published numerous articles and books in the areas of Mathematical Logic, Computer Science and Science Policy.

MGALOBLISHVILI K. graduated from the world Information Distributed University in 2003. He earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full professor of the WIDU. He is the pro-rector of the Kutaisi State Technical University. Karlo D. Mgaloblishvili is a Russian Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician of Military Engineering Academy of Georgia. Professor Mgaloblishvili K.D. runs his scientific activity in the sphere of the metrology of measuring steam gas mixtures concentrations, including explosive and toxic mixtures. The object of his research is production environment and environment in general.

MIKHAILOV B.M. has earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He is a well-known scientist who made a valuable contribution to the solution of a Global Problem in the field of Informatics, scientific and methodological development and decision problems in software and mathematical support of big systems. The main scientific results are published in a few monographs. Prof. Mikhailov developed and solved the problems of architecture design of software and information support of big systems.

MIKHAYLOV N. received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor in 1997. Academician Mikhaylov is a member of the Board of Directors of JSFC “Sistema” since 2000. He was born on 14th May 1937 in Sevsk of Bryansk region (Russia).

Victor MIKHAYLOV graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

He is the outstanding scientist in the field of nuclear physics, he has offered a new way of measurement of allocation of energy of initial shells, that began one of the basic methods of measurements in tests of underground nuclear explosions.

He is the founder of the school of the physics of explosive nuclear fission and diagnostics of the penetrating radiation of single-pulse processes.

He is the author more than 260 scientific works which essentially have enriched the Russian nuclear science. He has trained tens pupils, many of which have successfully protected dissertations.

MIRONOV G. graduated from the World Information Distributed Institution for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.  In 1963 he graduated from the Petrozavodsk State University for MS in specialty history and art criticism. He graduated from the Leningrad State University for degree of candidate of historical sciences (PhD 1968-72), the candidate of art criticism (1972-78), the Russian doctor of historical sciences (1978-97), the Russian doctor of art criticism (1978-95.) and the Russian professor (1997). He has Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU (1998). George Mironov is the author of more than 200 scientific works on history and culture of southern and western Slavs.

MIRONOV O. received diplomas of the Doctor and of the Grand Doctor of Philosophy from the World Information University. He is the Full Professor of this university. Oleg Orestovich MIRONOV is the former representative under human rights in the Russian Federation, the Russian doctor of jurisprudence, the Russian State professor, the Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.

MIRONOV G. is the Rector of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor Rector of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (YarSU) since 1983. Doctor of Science in Chemistry (in Russia), professor, full member of Academy of Technological Sciences of the RF, Russian Ecological Academy, IAI, IAS HS, New York academy of Sciences, Soros professor. Honored Scientist and Technician of the RF. His majors are researches in the field of chemistry and technology of polyfunctional aromatic compounds. Six doctors and more than 30 PhDs have been trained by him. Author of about 600 scientific works, including three monographs and more than 180 authorial certificates.

MIRZOYEV G. received Degrees PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. He is a deputy of Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, a member of the Commission of Parliamentary Assembly under the legislation and the Rules, the deputy of the State Dumas of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the vice-president of Committee on the state construction of the State Dumas of the Russian Federation. In 1976 he graduated from the Azerbaijan State University of name S.M. Kirov. Besides the supreme juridical education he has also the supreme economic one, in 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Management of name S.Ordzhonikidze. He is the doctor of jurisprudence (eqv.Grand PhD), the State professor.

MKRTCHIAN A. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He has received Degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD from the WIDU. Academician Mkrtchian is the Full Professor of the WIDU. His biography is included into the World Register “Outstanding Researchers& Professors”. He is a famous Armenian Scientist and a celebrated Pedagogue. Professor Mkrtchian is the Rector of Yerevan Economic-Legal University since 1990.

MOISEEV V. B., Ph.D., Grand PhD, Prof., Rector of Penza Technological Institute Branch, of Penza State University, since 1989. PhD in Technology, professor, full member of International Academy of Informatization. Honored Worker of Higher School of the RF. Born in March 14, 1948 in Penza. His majors are intellectual systems of automatic projecting of machine-building manufactures’ technologies, reliability of mechanical systems, computer technologies in education and mechanical engineering. Published more than 140 scientific works, four monographs, has 15 author certificates and patents. Awarded with Diplomas of Ministry of General and Professional Education, as well as with diplomas of regional and city administrations.

MORE A.R., Professor, Ph.D., Grand Ph.D. Professor Alfonso Roland More is a distinguished scientist, public figure and born diplomat. He belongs to the personages of the modern and information society. He becomes famous his broadmindedness, wideness of interests and wide scope. All his life he devoted to solving fundamental problems of medicine. Professor A.R. More have become popular for his scientific works in Occupational Health and Safety, Occupational Health and Ergonomics, Environmental and Occupational Medicine. He is author of the book “Proteccion o Prevencion”, which crowns him with glory. Professor More is well-known as a journalist covering Medical problems. More than 150 medical public articles have been published by him in the fix columns “Doctor Advice” and “Doctor and Health”. As a Philanthropic physician, professor More is at the head of struggle for an invigoration of Society. He takes an active part in social work.

MOROSOV V. received degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Morosov is known in the world as a large scientist in the fields of control systems, radar-location and space information systems. He has more than 150 proceedings, published in foreign, all-Russian and trade papers. He is active participant of many international congresses and conferences, where he delivered reports on the results of the problems, being solved by him, obtained at researches of questions of finite automatic devices, ecology, international stability, asteroid danger, space activity. The results of all-round activity of the PhD and Grand PhD Morosov were: development of methodology of designing and estimation of efficiency of large information systems of special destination; solution of problems of strategic stability and national safety; solution of applied problems of creation and development of missile warning system and space monitoring system; complex researches of the international and social aspects of creation and development of missile warning system and double application of its facilities. The results of his researches were reflected in the monographs “Methodology of designing and basic directions of development of national information system” (1988) and “Principles of construction of radar-tracking facilities of high factorial readiness” (1995.

MOROZOV A. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003. He has the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU.

MOSKVICHEV Y., Rector of Yaroslavl State Technical University Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor Doctor of Science in Chemistry (in Russia), professor, academician of the IAS HS, of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the RF and of the Academy of Transport of the RF. Honorable Doctor of University of Paisley (Scotland). Honorable Worker of Science of the RSFSR, Honorable Worker of Higher Vocational Education of Russia. Since 1988 chairs the department of Chemical Technology of Organic Substances. One of the leading specialists in chemistry and technology of organic sulfur compounds. Field of scientific research – scientific technologies of synthesis of monomers and semi-products for heat-resistant polymers, biological active substances and dyes. Author of more than 400 scientific works, including more than 100 inventions.

MOUKHAMETZIANOVA G. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. She earned degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. She is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Moukhametzianova is a founder and the Rector of the Academy of Social Education (ASE) since 1993.

MURAVYEV S. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Muravyev is outstanding scientist, high qualified designer, creator and manager of scientific researches in radio electronics, informatics and communication means, Deputy of General Director of Russian Agency of Control systems.

MURTHY N.N., secretary & Executive Editor of the International Benevolent Research Forum IBRF .Murthy, holds many degrees MS (Quality Systems), MBA (Human Resource Management), MBA (Marketing Management), Master of Financial Management, MA (Public Administration), Master of Journalism & Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diplomas., He is also a qualified QMS ISO 9000 Lead Auditor from CMC International, UK. He has graduated from prestigious World Information Distributed University-WIDU for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD.. N N Murthy is high level professional with international repute. He is a renowned Scholar, Poet, Writer, Freelance Journalist, Environmentalist and Human Rights Activist. He has rich experience with journalism, academics, education, administration and also several of aspects social life. He is Secretary & Executive Editor of International Benevolent Research Forum a Human Rights Organization working for International Understanding, Peace, and Human Rights. IBRF also publishes personalized reference books. He has edited and published three best seller volumes, Curriculum Vitae International, World’s Who’s Who, Eminent Personalities of India.

NERONSKIY L. has received degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is Professor of Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation (MIREA), IEEE Member. Dr. Neronskiy is a distinguished scientist in the field of information technologies, the Earth Remote Sensing, Space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Design and Application.

NIGMATOV Z graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Nigmatov is the Rector of Kazan State Pedagogical University.

NIKANDROV N. D., the Russian doctor of pedagogical sciences (correspond. Grand PhD), professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Formation (RAF), Vice President RAF in 1992 – 1997, the President of the RAF since 1997. Academician NIKANDROV earned the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University (WIDU). He is Commander of the World Order of Science, Education, and Culture. Academician Nikandrov is the well-known scholar and the organizer of pedagogical science, who enriched pedagogical science by the works of paramount theoretical and practical value into the region of comparative pedagogy, methodology of pedagogy, and didactics of the highest pedagogical school. He introduced the important contribution in the development of the content of higher pedagogical education and stimulation of the cognitive activity of students.

NUZHDIN V. N., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Full Prof. Rector of Ivanovo State Power Engineering University (ISPEU) since February 1985. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Honored Scientist of the RF, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Academician of IAI., Deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly, chairman of society “Knowledge” and chairman of Congress of Intellectuals of the Ivanovo Region.

Alexander PAKHOMOV A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degree of PhD and degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He was born in 1960. He is the Academician of K.E.Tsiolkovsky’s Space Academy of the Russian Federation. A. Pakhomov is the Dean of technical faculty “Computer Science and Information Technologies” at Padlock Institute of the Moscow State Open University.

PANFILOV A., the President of the Moscow Branch of World Information Distributed University, Cavalier and Commander of the International Order “Science. Education. Culture”, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor. World Information Distributed University (WIDU) is registered in Moscow (Russian Federation) and empowered with authorities necessary to train and award scientific degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Grand Doctor of Philosophy, scientific ranks of professor colleagues and professors and to prepare the world base of educational programs and expertise of educational programs.

PATON B., the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences – Cavalier and Commander of the International Order “Science. Education. Culture”, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor. BORIS PATON – Scientist with a world name in the field of metallurgy of welding. Being by largest in the world by the expert in creation essentially of new ways of welding, the introductions of progressive methods of welding in an industry, development of scientific bases and engineering of welding were brought by the large contribution in electro-metallurgy. His large scientific public activity has received a wide international recognition. Hi is the Honorable President of a number of the international academies, the winner State and Lenin prizes. Academician PATON is awarded numerous awards, orders, prizes, medals, diplomas and he is given many honorary degrees and titles.

PETRAKOV N. has earned Degrees of the PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. He has graduated from the Moscow State University, the Economic Division (1959), Russian Doctor of Science (Economics, 1972),Russian State Professor (1972), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1990), Director of the Market Economy Institute, RAS. Nikolai Petrakov is a well-known economist in the country and abroad. His scopes of scientific interests are the economic-mathematical modeling, the theory and methods of the economic policy realization in the conditions of market management. He has made a contribution into the working out of the basis of the market system of the economy functioning; into the theory of measurement of the expenses and results in the national economy.

PETROV A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Petrov Arcady is President of the Center of bioinformation technologies.

PETROV O. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is the Chair faculty of automated processing of the information and management at MAGPI. Professor Petrov is the known scientist to one of authors of a new scientific direction in the field of the automated processing the information and management in complex technical systems.

PETROVSKY V. graduated from the WIDU for degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the full Professor of the WIDU.HE Prof. Dr. Vladimir Petrovsky (United Nations) a Russian national, he is a distinguished international diplomat and a trouble shooter who regularly represents the Secretary-General at a number of summit and ministerial meetings. He is also Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Conference. In parallel with his diplomatic career, Mr. Petrovsky is an eminent academic and author of several publications and books on international relations. He holds a Doctorate in History and is a member of the Boards of various Russian and international institutions.

PETOUKHOV S. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He has degrees of the PhD and Grand PhD and certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Sergei V. Petoukhov is an outstanding scientist in the fields of mathematical and theoretical biology, bioinformatics, biophysics, theory of symmetry, and physics of crystals. He created new scientific directions in bioinformatics (matrix representation of the genetic code system and its evolutionary rules); in a theory of biological self-organization (the beginnings of soliton biology on the basis of discovering of solitons in supra-molecular physiological systems at different branches of biological evolution); in biological morphogenesis (non-Euclidean symmetries in biological organisms). He published more than 140 scientific papers, including four monographs.

PIVOVARCHIK A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD; He is The Full Professor of the WIDU. Pivovarchik Alexander is the professor, the Russian Doctor of Sciences, the full member of the Russian academy of astronautics on name K.E.Tsiolkovsky, the full member of the Russian academy of problems of safety, defense and the law and order, the full member of academy creative sciences and doctrines. The basic directions of scientific activity: space ballistics, deformation of a firm body, optimization of managerial processes.

POLIKANOV D. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Polikanov is one of the leading experts on international security and African studies.

POLKOVSKY L. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Polkovsky is the known Russian scientist in the field of the newest information technologies on processing the financial, accounting and statistical information. His works have served as the beginning of automation of systems of economic management agro industrial complexes in scale of the countries of the East Europe. Leonid Polkovsky’s all scientific and pedagogical activity is connected to development of the theory and methodology of automation of book keeping in branches of a national economy.

POLUNIN V. M. has been earned the degree of PhD, the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU. He has been working at the Physics Department of the Kursk State Technical University (KSTU) for 30 years: as a senior lecturer, reader, and from 1981 he is heading the physics department. During all these years he is carrying out active scientific-teaching work, has 177 scientific publications in Russian national science journals and, in many European countries; he has got 3 author’s certificates, 35 text books and appliances.

PUZANKOV D. V., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU, the  Rector of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” Being one of the oldest technical higher schools in Russia and oldest higher school of electrical engineering in Europe St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University is famous for unique combination of academic process and science and research in its everyday activities. The University was always at the advanced post of research in the fields of Radio-Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science.

RAZUMNY is a prominent figure of world community. He is renowned as a prominent philosopher, a subtle aesthete, a notable pedagogue and an illustrious publicist. Academician Razumny has created a doctrine of humanity development. He suggested to investigate a sociocultural process of human’s society development as an unity of knowledge’s profundity, of feeling’s harmonicity and faith’s heartfulness. . He based problems of dramatic of existence of modern civilization and determined a sense and a future prospect of mankind. He defined a key role of art for a social environment of humanity. His research results of gnoseological problems of aesthetics were published in monographs: Problem of characteristic in the aesthetics; Unity of ethical and aesthetics in the art and others. Academician Razumny proposed a conception of aesthetic education of youth: The Spiritual Need-The emotional Experience-The Conscious Activity. It was published in the monograph: The Aesthetic Education Essence. Forms. Methods. Professor Razumny proposed a syllabus of integrative education, utilizing a game technology. Academician Razumny has published a series of books, devoted to the dramatic of humanity of existence: The Dramatic of Being or the Discovery of sense; In Search of sense. These monographs are pearls of philosophy and well known in the world. Professor Razumny wrote more than 350 scientific articles and 40 monographs, devoted to problems of modern culture. He graduated from the Russian State University of Cinematography for Degrees of MS (1948) and KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv. PhD 1952). He earned the Degree of DOKTOR NAUK (eqv. Grand PhD) from the Institute of Philosophy of Academy of Sciences in 1962. He is a Russian State Professor (1968). He took part in training more than 108 doctorates. He graduated from the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) for Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He has a Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU.

REED J.V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 1999. He received the degree of PhD in Global Problems. He has the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Reed is the Under Secretary General of the United Nations.

ROGOV S. has earned degrees of PhD and of Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He was born in1948 (Moscow). He graduated from the Moscow State Institute for Foreign Affairs in 1971(MS); .post graduate studies at the Institute of USA and Canada in 1972-1976(PhD); Russian Doctor of Sciences1976-1982. He was a Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow at the Department of foreign policy at the Institute of USA and Canada; 1982-1984 the Chief of a Section at the Department of military and political studies; 1984-1987 the Representative of the Institute of USA and Canada in the Soviet Embassy in the United States; 1987-1989 the Leading Research Fellow at the Institute of USA and Canada; 1989-1991 the Chief of the Department of the military and political studies at the Institute of USA and Canada; 1991-1995 the Deputy Director of the Institute of USA and Canada; Since 1995 the Director of the Institute of USA and Canada.

RYABOVA I. A., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU, Rector of the Moscow Academy for Tourism, Hospitality and Catering Management (MATHC under the Moscow Municipal Council) Doctor of Economics, Professor, Grand Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full member of the National Academy of Tourism, Correspondent Member of the World Academy of Information Science, Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Council of Rectors, Vice-President of the Tourist Higher Educational Institutions Association of the Russian Federation Professor I.Ryabova is a highly qualified specialist in Economics and Tourism. Published more 3000 pages, out of which about 2000 pages are devoted to tourism (reports at conferences, articles, monographs)

RYZHAKOV V. has been Chief of the Chair “Technical Control of Quality” of branch of Penza State University since 1995.He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003 (PhD and Grand PhD). He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

SALAKHOV M. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2004. He has the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Salakhov is elected the rector of the Kazan State University in 2002.He is the Russian doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, the State professor, academician of the AST, the Honored worker of science RT.

SALNIROV I. has been the Chief of the Department “Computing Devices and Systems” of Penza State University since 2001.He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is a Doctor of Technical Sciences (eqv. Grand PhD), Honorary Scientist of RF higher professional education.

SANAEV V.G earned the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He was born in 1956. He graduated from the MSFU in1978. He has the Degrees of the MS, KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv. PhD), DOCTOR NAUK (eqv. Grand PhD) from the MSFU. He is a State Professor; He published more then one hundred scientific papers and books. He was elected as a rector of Moscow State Forest University in 2003. He is a famous scientist in field of wood technology.

SARKISYAN F. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degrees of PhD and of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Sarkisyan F.T. is the President of the National Academy of the Sciences of Armenia.

SAVIN A. has earned Degrees of the PHD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. He is a Cavalier of the World Order “Science. Education. Culture”. SAVIN Anatoly Ivanovich is the academician of the Russian Academy of Science, the Hero of Socialist work, the winner Lenin and the State premiums, supervisor of studies CSRI “Comet”, the general designer, general director CSRI “Comet” (1973-1999), the scientist in the field of a radio engineering and system engineering’s, one of heads of works on creation of space information systems of supervision over a sea surface and behind start of ballistic missiles.

SELEZNEV M. has received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. Academician SELEZNEV is the President of Institute of System Researches(ISR), the Chairman of Council on awarding the scientific degree “DOKTOR NAUK”D.520.005.01, the Vice-president of the WIDU, the President of Department ” International tourism “, the Head of Chair ” Applied mathematics ” at Moscow Aviation Institute(MAI). The basic directions of his scientific researches are “The mathematical methods in an economic estimation of efficiency of information systems “, ” the Theory of Rates ” .He is an author of more than 127 scientific works.

SEYRANOV S. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD in 2004. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is the Rector of Moscow State Academy of Physical Education since April 1997, the Russian Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, the State professor, a member of Peter’s Academy of Sciences and Arts, Master of sport on tekvon-do, holder of the black waistband by tekvon-do, referee of international category, and candidate to a master of sport on biathlon.

SHAIKHELISLAMOV R. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Mr. Shaikhelislamov is the Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan Republic.

SHAKHOV E. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Head of the Department of Information Computing Systems. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Honorary Scientist, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of Russia. E.C.Shakhov is a full member of presidium of the United Methodical Council on specialty “Information Systems”. For several years he participated in the activity of the Highest Attestation Committee as the member of expert council. Eduard C. Shakhov is an acknowledged specialist in the field of information measurement systems. He is the author of over 300 scientific works, including monographs (one has been issued in Germany) and about 200 patents (5 patents in USA, Great Britain, Germany and others).

SHAKIROVA D. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. She earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. Dr. Shakirova is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Shakirova is the Rector of Tatar-American Regional Institute.

SHAPIRO D. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full professor of the WIDU. Professor Shapiro is famous for his work in Cybernetics, Mathematics, Informatics, and Neuropsycholinguistics. His theoretical and practical researches embrace the wide ring of the problems: from the optimal control of the dynamic objects to the neuropsycholinguistical aspects of the working of the intelligence neural networks.

SHCHENKOV A. S., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of the WIDU, Rector of State Academy of Professional Retraining and Upgrade Training of Administrative Workers and Specialists of Investment Sphere (SASIS) since January 1987. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, full member of Russian Engineering Academy and International Academy of Informatization.

SHCHERBAKOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU, the Vice-president for research of Penza State University since 2000. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor. Academician of the Russian Academy of Informatization of education and Academy of problems of quality

SHEKHTER I. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Shekhter is a world famous scientist in the field of psycholinguistics, semantics and language philosophy. He was the first to work out the sense-emotive synthesis of speech-and-thought processes for speech generation, to give attention to the problem of speech and language as a factor of human existence and to solve the fundamental and applied aspects of speech activities. Professor Shekhter created a new scientific trend which gives a possibility to use the common method of studying and mastering a language as a human essence expressing irrespective of every concrete national language. In the field of philosophy there was suggested new research of sense-expressing processes regularities and their role in time manifestations of speech generation. In the field of psycholinguistics research there was determined a character of the irreversibility of human ontogenesis and its influence as a development factor of the speech intentional possibilities of human speech adaptation in dynamically developing reality conditions.

SHEVCHENKO V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Academician Shevchenko is the President of Academy for security, defense and law order. Professor Shevchenko is known as in the field of integrated historical and sociological, philosophical and political analysis of moral and psychological support of military subunits work, discovery and determination of its essence, content, tasks, direction, organizational structure and realization mechanism. He has investigated and analyzed the military and theoretical legacy of commanders, military scientists, thinkers on spiritual and moral problems.

SHIHAEV C. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD; He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Shihaev Cyril was born in 1925. In 1956 has graduated from the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute on a specialty” mathematical devices”(MS).He is the professor, Russian Doctor of technical Sciences, the academician of the International Academy of Informatization on branch information foreign policy and foreign trade activities. During work in system of the Ministry for the radio industry of the USSR occupied posts of director of the Research center of control systems (1974-82), Directors Scientifically – research institute of economy and complex problems of communication (1982-87). For a number of years headed the advisory council of the Supreme Certifying commission of the USSR on control systems of computer facilities and computer science.

SHILO G., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU, Rector of European Justo Law University since 1995-Doclor of Science in Law, professor, full member of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, the International Academy of Informatization. Professor, president of Earst European department, of the International Academy of Sciences in San-Marino. Total work record – 45 years. Practicing lawyer. Specialist in the field of criminal law and criminal trial. Author of more than 200 scientific works, including four-language law dictionary, rhetoric course, a text-books on stenography and Esperanto.

SHILYAEV R. R., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Full Prof of the WIDU, Rector of Ivanovo State Medical Academy since March of 2000. Doctor of Science in Medicine, professor. Honorable Worker of Science of the RF. Full member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, chair of the department of children’s diseases of the pediatrics faculty. Established and directs a Republic program “Maternal Health – Child Care”. Main field of scientific research is blood cells and micro circulating duct as a model of new methods of diagnostics, correction and restorative treatment in critical conditions in newly born babies. Several of his fundamental works, including monographs and physicians’ manuals, arc devoted to this problem.

SIGOV A., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU, Rector of Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering. Electronics and Automation (Technical University) (MIREA) since 1998. Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (in Russia), professor, full member of RANS. Honored Scientist of the RF. Member of bureau of Scientific Council of RAS on physics of condensed mediums. His majors are physical characteristics of disordered systems, active nonconductors and their usage in microelectronics. Created a successive phenomenological theory of effect of static defects of small concentration on the physical characteristics of crystals near the points of phase transitions of the second gender. Published two monographs, several educational aids, more than 200 scientific articles, 38 inventions.

SKACHCOV J. graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Skachcov Jury Petrovich after the ending with distinction the Penza engineering – building institute he worked as the engineer of scientifically – research sector of this institute and studied in postgraduate study of V.A.Kucherenko Central scientifically – research institute of building designs. The scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences is awarded to him in 1988. The academic status of the senior lecturer is given to him in 1993. The scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences is awarded to him in 2002. The academic status of the professor is given to him in 2003.His experience of scientifically – pedagogical work makes more than 20 years, including in higher educational institutions more than 17 years. He worked in posts: the senior teacher, the senior lecturer, the professor, the pro-rector on the study, managing the faculty, the first pro-rector. It is prepared five candidates of sciences by him, now he carries out a manual of two post-graduate students. He has 116 publications, from them 31-educational- methodical character, 83 scientific works, 2 patents, 8 manuals, 4 of which are recommended by the Ministry Educations of the Russian Federation and are published as manuals for students of high schools. At his direct participation the institute became the State Architecturally – Building Academy, and then the State University of Architecture and Construction.

SKURATOV Y. has received degree of the PhD in 1995 and degree of the Grand PhD in 1997 from the World Information Distributed University. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

SMIRNOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University (WIDU).He has Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU. He is a Cavalier of the World Order of Science, Education, and Culture.

SMIRNOV has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Head of Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling at Pensa State University. Doctor of Science in Mathematics and Physics, Professor.

.SOKHRANOV V.V. is the Full Professor of the WIDU. V.V. Sokhranov graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky with the qualification of «a teacher of mathematics)) in 1972 and in 1982 he finished the post-graduate courses at the Scientific Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Moscow), major – theory and history of pedagogy. V.V. Sokhranov got the degree of Doctor of Science (Pedagogy) in 1998 and in 1999 he became Professor. Since 2000 he has been the Head of Pedagogy and Psychology department at the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky. Scientific interests: Working out the conception and system and personal-competent forming model and self-development of personal experience and professional students’ self-regulation; Exposure and experimental substantiation of conformities to natural laws, principles, ways, technologies and means of forming personality’s integration qualities and abilities, which allow it to carry out productive self-development; Substantiation of the role of cognitive activity and its subtypes in the process of personal and professional self-regulation;

SOKOLOV E., PhD., Grand Ph.D., Professor of the WIDU, the Rector of Tula State University (TulSU) since 1979. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, Academician of IAS HS and some other international and branch academies, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher Education of Russia. His majors are mining atmosphere and environment protection. Founded a scientific school of rational wildlife management, ecological and technological security. Published about 300 scientific works, including 19 monographs, 21 educational aids and 2 text-books. Has 19 patents for inventions. Has been granted several state awards including People’s Friendship Order; Labor Red Banner Order; Cavalier award “Mains Glory”; Winner of the Russian Federation President Prize in the Sphere of Education; Winner of the Russian Federation Government Prize in the Sphere Ecology and Rational Nature Application.

STRADINS Y. is an eminent Latvian scientific and public personality, with a worldwide known name, professor of the Latvian State University, Habilitated Doctor of Chemistry and Habilitated doctor of History. Honored Science Worker of Latvia. He has published altogether 16 books, 450 scientific articles and 250 lecture summaries in different aspects of chemistry, history of science and culture. Besides, Y. Stradins has degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

SUHANOV S. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is an outstanding scientist in the area of systems engineering and information processing, the organizer and chief of one of the directions of works in the field of designing of large information systems of ground, air and space basing. The proceedings of the PhD and Grand PhD Suhanov arc assumed as a basis of creation of facilities and control units of systems of strategic destination, optimization of their structure and composition, estimation of the efficiency and potential possibilities in various conditions of operation. The basic scientific results of Sergey Suhanov are reflected in his proceedings “Stable methods of information processing in stochastic systems of real time” (1992), “Integrated information and managing systems” (1998). Sergey Suhanov has developed the theory of synthesis of algorithms of information processing, being effective, stable in the conditions of statistical uncertainly of the errors of measurements, constructed on the basis of integration of active and passive measuring facilities. On the basis of the developed theory he created and applied to practice quasi-optimum steady algorithms of information processing in real time scale, and simple effective analytical methods of calculation of precision characteristics of different types of measuring facilities in various conditions of their operation.

SYTIN G. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. Prof. Sytin is an outstanding scientist of Russia with a world name, the founder of a new scientific direction of recovery of health at illness and ageing, the author of 37 monographs and of 10-volume manual on recovery of health which covers all areas of medicine. He is the president of the international university of George Sytin with branches in Moscow, Israel. Mr.Sytin is the academician of the International Academy of Sciences – Munich; the Grand Doctor of Philosophy, the Russian doctor of the medical, psychological and pedagogical sciences, the Russian State Professor, the Full Professor of the WIDU. He is awarded with Titles of the Cavalier and Commander of the World Order “Science.Education.Culture.”, a gold medal « For scientific merits » and a silver medal of «the Honorable Professor ».

TARANZEVA K. has been Chief of the Chair “Engineering Protection of Environment” of Penza Technological Institute since 2000.She has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. She is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

TARPISCHEV S. has earned Degrees of Doctor and Grand Doctor of Philosophy from the World Information Distributed University in 1998. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

Leonid TAVROVSKY has graduated from the World Information Distributed University. He has Degrees of the PhD and of the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. TAVROVSKY L. D. is the President OF PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY Association “GRAND”.

TSARYOV V.F. is the Rector of Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy, Honored Agriculture Worker of Russian Federation. He has degrees of PhD and Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU.

TUGAROV A. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. In 1976 A.Tugarov graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky as a History, Social science and English teacher. In 1983 he finished the postgraduate courses at Philosophy department of the Leningrad State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Hertzen, major – “Social Philosophy”. Alexander Tugarov is Doctor of Philosophy (1996), Professor (1998). He has been Head of Sociology department at the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky since 1999. He has been Dean of Sociology and Social work Faculty at the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky since 2001. Scientific interests: In the 1980s he studied the problem of social determination of man’s biology. In 1983 he defended his thesis for a philosophy candidate’s degree: “The society biological culture as a social phenomenon”. Since the beginning of the 1990s he has been paying much attention to philosophical problems of social life humanism, the research of the socio-political process in a Russian province, the comparable research of provincial intelligentsia’s mood in Russia at the end of the XIX and XX centuries. In 1996 he defended his thesis for a philosophy doctor’s degree: “Humanist base of Russian social life philosophy”.

TUZHILKIN V. I., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D. Prof. of WIDU,  President-rector of Moscow State University of Food Industry since 1989. Doctor of Science in Technology, professor, correspondent member of RAAS, Russian Engineering Academy, Academician of International Academy of Informatization; Academy of Information Processes and Technologies, as well as of IAS HS. Honored Worker of Higher Education of Russia. His majors are theoretical developments and improvement of technology of saccharine agents; fundamental problems and new methods of plant agricultural raw materials reprocessing for production of forage and food products; information systems in food industry. Author of 37 textbooks and educational aids, four monographs, more than 140 scientific works and 36 inventions. Leader of innovation scientific-technical intercollegial program “Creation of Technologies and Equipment Ensuring Security of Food Products and Food Supplies Storage”.

UGLOV V. A., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Prof. of WIDU, Rector of Russian Correspondence Institute of Textile and Light Industry (RusCITLI) since 1995. PhDs in Technology, professor, full member and Academician of International Academy of Informatization and International Academy of Ecology, Men and Nature Security.

URAZBAHTIN I. G. earned the degree of PhD, the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU.  Since 1994 he is the holder of the chair of information systems in economic of the Kursk Technical University.

USMANOV V. has been Pro-rector for Educational and Scientific Work of Penza Technological Institute, a branch of Penza State University since 1987.He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

UTKIN J. has graduated from the World Information distributed University for the Degrees of PhD and Grand PhD; He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Utkin is known as the scientific theorist and practical man. A number of his scientific and practical works are devoted to problems of technical equipment and technology of extraction and oil refining and state law. He is the author of many laws of the Russian Federation on problems of the ecology, accepted by the State Dumas of Federal assembly of the Russian Federation in 1993-1999.

VASILCHENKO N. has been Pro-rector on Marketing and Development of Penza Technological Institute, a branch of Penza State University since 2001 He has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2003 (PhD and Grand PhD in Global Problems). He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.

VENIAMINOV V., Rector of International Bank Institute Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of WIDU, Academician In 1991 created and headed one of the first non-state institutes of higher education of Russia – International Bank Institute Doctor of Science in Technology (in Russia), professor, Academician of International Academy of Informatization and the IAS HS Member of a bureau of St Petersburg Department of the IAS HS Author of more than 170 monographs,, textbooks scientific works and articles in management, systems of management and communication, microelectronics, educational technologies.

VERBITSKAYA L. A., Principal of St. Petersburg State University received Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University in 2004.

VLASOV V. graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD in 2003. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. V. Vlasov graduated from the Penza State Pedagogical Institute, History Department in 1973, and started his work as an assistant at the Institute. In 1978 he finished the post-graduate courses at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin and got the Candidate’s Degree of Science in History. V. Vlasov went on working at the Penza Pedagogical Institute as a senior teacher and later as an associate professor. He has been Head of the Russian History Department since 1988. In 2000 V. Vlasov was nominated a deputy rector in academic work, and in 2001 – the first deputy rector, in the same year he got the title of Professor. The results of Vlasov’s scientific and methodical work are described in more than 160 publications including textbooks on “The Russian History” and monographs “School and Society”, “School and Education in Conditions of Modernization of Russia”, “From Teachers’ Training Institute to Pedagogical University”, “Outlines on the History of the Penza Region Public Education”.

VOLCHIKHIN V., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Professor of WIDU, Academician Rector of Penza State University since 1999 Doctor of Science in Technology (in Russia), professor Full member of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, International Academy of Informatization Honorable Worker of Higher Education of Russia Acknowledged specialist in autonomous information and control systems, thesis adviser Author of more than 300 scientific works, including 8 monographs, 40 manuals, 112 articles 70 patents.

VORONIN G. has received the Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor from the World Information Distributed University. He is the President of Academy of Problems of quality, the President of the All-Russia Organization of Quality, the General Director of Open Company “Standards& Quality”, the Member of Dissertational Council D;520.005.01.Area of his basic scientific interests: metrology, standardization “.He has 11 patents and over 150 scientific articles and publications.

VORONTSOV Y. is the Special Representative of the General Secretary of the United Nations; President of the International Diplomatic Academy Cavalier of the International Order “Science. Education. Culture”, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor of the WIDU. He is an outstanding person, striking representative of the soviet and international classical school of diplomacy. He is a diplomat and a statesman. Secretary-General of the UN Kofi Annan appointed Yuli Vorontsov as the special envoy on international conflicts in February 1999 and as the special representative of the UN Secretary-General on question of the Commonwealth of Independed States at deputy of the UN Secretary-General level. Professor Vorontsov is the author of many scientific articles and monographs in the field of questions of foreign relations, relations between countries, different aspects and niceties of diplomatic work.

Sergey VYSOTSKY has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degree of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He has the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. Professor Vysotskij is the author of unique technology of a fastening of the amber. He connected the icon painting with techniques of amber mosaic pictures from the amber, the natural river pearls and mosaic gold. The master – artist and the designer, he has revolutionized sights at amber, as on means of expression of an art plan, essentially having expanded borders of amber art. His amber panels amaze with limiting clearness and laconic ness of a composition, testify to masterly possession of shades of an amber stone and figure as a whole.

YAKUBAITIS E. (Latvia) is the President of the Baltic Academy of Information Processes, and Vice- President of the World Distributed Information University. Cavalier and Commander, PhD, Grand PhD, Professor. Academician Eduard Yakubaitis, an eminent Latvian scientist, well known in the world, is father of a number of new scientific schools and orientations in the field of information networks designed for research purposes, asynchronous automatic devices and automated systems for transport energizing. The research work of E.Yakubaitis has been reflected in 39 monographs, 300 articles and 25 patents. His books have been published in France, the USA, and China and in various countries of Eastern Europe. He is elected academician of many International Academies of Sciences, the winner of the international premiums, and is awarded with a number of the international orders, is a valid member of different public and scientific associations.

YATSUN S. F. earned the degree of PhD, the degree of Grand PhD and the Full Professor of the WIDU. He graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, specialized in “Mining machines and complexes”. Defended Candidate theses in Mischkolts Technical University in Hungary in 1979, got the scientific degree of the associated professor. Defended Doctor Thesis in Riga Technical University in 1990. Has worked as an assistant, a senior teacher, an associated professor since 1980. Head of the Department of “Theoretical Mechanisms” of Kursk State Technical University

YEMELYANOV S. G. earned the degree of PhD and the degree of Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU.  Yemeliyanov S.G. graduated from the Kursk Polytechnical Institute and got the Diploma with Honor in 1986. Taking into consideration his sufficient achievements in scientific work he was offered to work at the department “Tools and instruments” of the Kursk Polytechnical Institute. In 1987 Yemeliyanov S.G. entered postgraduate courses of the Tula Polytechnical Institute (now it is the Tula State University) led by the prominent scientist in the field of machine – building Lashnev S.I. In 1990 he submitted his thesis ahead of time in the trends of mathematical and algorimmical supply of automated projecting systems of machine – building production. He was awarded PhD of technical sciences, 1991. After taking post – graduate courses in 1991 Yemeliyanov S.G. has been working at the Kursk State Technical University. He began his activity as an engineer in scientific research field and now he is the Vice Rector in scientific work and international relations, the head of the Machine- building Technologies Department.

ZAKHAREVICH V.G., PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. of WIDU, Rector of the Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering-TSURE. He had graduated with honors from the TSURE for MS degree on 1969.He served in army. Since 1971 the TSURE has become his destiny. He was an engineer, postgraduate student, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Chair of the Engineering Psychology Department, Director and Chief Designer of Bureau RHITHM, known by research and development in the field of Bio-Electronics. In 1990 Prof. ZAKHAREVICH was elected as a Rector of the TSURE and he is succeeding on this responsible position now.

ZAKHAROV I.S., Rector of Kursk State Technical University, earned the Degrees of Ph.D., Grand Ph.D. and the Certificate of Professor from the World Information Distributed University. Professor Ivan Zakharov has Degrees of MS, KANDIDAT NAUK (eqv.PhD), DOKTOR NAUK (eqv.Grand PhD) and Certificate of Professor (in Russia).He is member of a number of specialized academies. He started his scientific research in the field of “Physical Basics of the Dynamic Optical Information Registration in the real-time range on the basis of the solid body multilayer structures with photorefractive crystals” One of the scientific trends: the data processing methods and means from biological objects studies were also started. The results of the scientific research were reported at numerous international, All-Union and All-Russian conferences, and the created model pieces of devices were passed to different organizations and institutions, they were also presented at international, All-Union and All-Russian exhibitions where they were highly praised by the professionals: awarded with silver and gold medals of the All-Union Exhibition of National Economy Achievements and of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. More than 120 author’s certificates and patents proved the novelty of the developments. More than 350 scientific papers, 5 of them being monographs, based upon the results of the studies were published. Under the guidance of Prof. Zakharov a few Grand PhD, quite a number of PhD works have been successfully submitted, he also guides the work of many post-graduate students running for the PhD degree.

ZECEVIC M., Rector of the European University, Founder and Owner Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Full Prof. of WIDU, as graduated mathematician taught in high schools and technical schools in Belgrade and was one of the first to solve mathematics program for secondary schools specialized for trade, restaurant keeping and catering and tourism. Based on this program he has written the book Mathematics for secondary schools. As a Professor at College of Hotel Management, Prof. Dr. Milija Zecevic has invented the original educational model for high and higher education of employees in hotel and catering industry and tourism as well as in other branches. Prof. Dr. Zecevic concept of the programs in mathematics, statistics, probability, informatics, hotel management has been built in the present Belgrade College of Hotel Management programs and in other related colleagues. Based on the mentioned programs Prof. Dr. Zecevic wrote books – text books Advanced Mathematics with examples of problems from hotel industry practice. The mathematical model of hotel business as a system was presented in public.

ZHUKOV V. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University in 2004. He received the degrees of PhD and Grand PhD. He has the Certificate of Full Professor of the WIDU. The rector of RGSU, Zhukov Vasiliy Ivanovich is the corresponding member of the RAN [RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE], the doctor of historical sciences (equals to the Grand PhD) , professor, the rector- organizer of Russia’s first Institute of Higher Education of social profile, the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, the Vice President of the Academy of social Sciences, the President of the academy of social formation, the Honorable doctor of Baltic highest humanitarian school and number of other universities of foreign states.

ZRYUKIN V. V., Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Full Prof. of the WIDU. In 1997, as a winner of competition, he was elected rector of Ivanovo State Textile Academy. Ph.D. in Technology, professor, full member of Petrovski Academy of Sciences and Arts.. His major is technology of products’ assembly in mechanical engineering.

ZVYAGINTSEV A. has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees of the PhD and the Grand PhD. He is the Full Professor of the WIDU. Prof. Zvyagintsev is the Deputy General Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation since 2000. He is the state adviser of Justice of first class.

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