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Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba – the doctor of the higher qualifying category, the deserved doctor of RSFSR, the honored worker of a science, the doctor of medical sciences, PhD.(Econ.Sci.) the grand doctor of philosophy, the academician – the first on resorts of Cuban has conducted scientific researches of processes of a hem stasis at sick of hypertensive illness and a cardio sclerosis. On experience of sanatorium “Arhipo-Osipovka” it had been developed methods of rehabilitation suffering tobacco dependence, and also the scientific works which have caused a great interest are published. N.I.Shcherba is prepared the monograph «the Organizational and economic mechanism of management by ecological safety of region» which was highly appreciated on the international congress. With its direct participation by physicians of sanatorium it is introduced in practice about 200 scientifically-practical works and earlier not applied techniques. It is mastered 165 modern medical-diagnostic techniques, it is established 320 new medical devices and the equipment, and 310 new efficiency proposals are brought. It gives all high improving and economic benefit.. N.I.Shcherba is a member of Coordination council on resorts and tourism at regional administration and cities, presidium of constantly operating congress «Ecology and children», Arhipo-Osipovska primary branch of the All-Russian public organization «All-Russia Council of local government». It is awarded the order Honor, an award of Sergija Radonezhsky III, medals «Veteran of work», «Honor and advantage» the International fund «Patrons of art of century», a medal of Hippocrates and a medal for special merits before Fatherland «Defender of Fatherland», «the Star of the Scientist», a «the Honorable citizen of municipal union the city-resort of Gelendzhik», the honorary title «the Honored worker of a science». On November, 1st Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba celebrated the 70-year-old anniversary. Global Educational System “GES”, World Information Distributed University (WIDU)), World Information Distributed University Foundation, Inc., congratulate Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba on this significant date .Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba – the doctor of the higher qualifying category, the deserved doctor of RSFSR, the honored worker of a science, the doctor of medical sciences, PhD.(Econ.Sci.) the grand doctor of philosophy, the academician – the first on resorts of Cuban has conducted scientific researches of processes of a hem stasis at sick of hypertensive illness and a cardio sclerosis. On experience of sanatorium “Arhipo-Osipovka” it had been developed methods of rehabilitation suffering tobacco dependence, and also the scientific works which have caused a great interest are published. N.I.Shcherba is prepared the monograph «the Organizational and economic mechanism of management by ecological safety of region» which was highly appreciated on the international congress. With its direct participation by physicians of sanatorium it is introduced in practice about 200 scientifically-practical works and earlier not applied techniques. It is mastered 165 modern medical-diagnostic techniques, it is established 320 new medical devices and the equipment, and 310 new efficiency proposals are brought. It gives all high improving and economic benefit.. N.I.Shcherba is a member of Coordination council on resorts and tourism at regional administration and cities, presidium of constantly operating congress «Ecology and children», Arhipo-Osipovska primary branch of the All-Russian public organization «All-Russia Council of local government». It is awarded the order Honor, an award of Sergija Radonezhsky III, medals «Veteran of work», «Honor and advantage» the International fund «Patrons of art of century», a medal of Hippocrates and a medal for special merits before Fatherland «Defender of Fatherland», «the Star of the Scientist», a «the Honorable citizen of municipal union the city-resort of Gelendzhik», the honorary title «the Honored worker of a science». On November, 1st Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba celebrated the 70-year-old anniversary. Global Educational System “GES”, World Information Distributed University (WIDU)), World Information Distributed University Foundation, Inc., congratulate Nikolay Ivanovich Shcherba on this significant date .
Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – AEI , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world
Burhanuddin Rabbani is the leader of Jamiat-e Islami Afghanistan (Islamic Society of Afghanistan). He also served as the political head of the United National and Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan (UNIFSA), an alliance of various political groups who fought against Taliban rule in Afghanistan. He served as President from 1992-1996 until he was forced to leave Kabul because of the Taliban takeover of the city. While in power, he allowed women to work and girls to enter higher education His government was recognized by many countries, as well as the United Nations. Academician of EAI, BURHANUDDIN RABBANI, Full Professor (on the left) Sadriddin Akramov, PhD,Grand PhD, Prof., President of the Tajikistan International University -TIU, (Tajikistan), Director of GES, Vice-president of European Academy Informatization in the Central Asia and Tajikistan, is decorated by the Order and the Honorable Title of CAVALIER of World Order of Science, Education, Culture. Abdulmajid S.Dostiev, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan, PhD, Sadriddin Akramov and Eduard Evreinov West Coast University (WCU) is the global university offering degree programs through its affiliated colleges-worldwide. West Coast University (WCU) is also a licensed institution of A.E.I and World Information Distributed University (WIDU). WCU is also a consultant member of the University Consortium based in Central America. All member universities of this University Consortium are accredited by their respective Ministries of Education and are listed with UNESCO. WCU has been granted a Parliamentary Decree that bears full validity and recognized by Vienna Convention of April 18th, 1961, (1963). WCU also offers dual degree programs with Universidad San Juan De La Cruz, a recognized and Accredited University by the Ministry of Education, Government of the Republic of Costa Rica, Central America, through the National Council on Higher Education Private Universities (CONNESUP). It is also listed in UNESCO under the international Association of Universities and in the International Handbook of Universities an official Directory of International Accredited Universities published by United Nations. WCU has affiliated colleges and students in Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh, India, UAE, Lebanon, Nigeria, Zambia, Gambia, Antigua, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA. West Coast University (WCU) is also a Provisional Member of the “Global University Network for Innovation” (GUNI), which is composed of Higher Education UNESCO Chairs and other institutions that are highly committed to innovation in higher education. GUNI was set up by UNESCO, the United Nations University (UNU) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).
The head of the new-Nakhichevan and Russian eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Patriarchal Exarch in Russia Bishop Ezras (Nercicjan) was born on October, 30th, 1959 in village Voskeat of area Echmiadzin of Armenian SSR in country family and was baptized under name Mkrticha.In 1977 has ended local high school.1978-80 served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.Per 1980-84 studied in Theological seminary of Gevorgyan Echmiadzin Katolikos and has ended it with distinction. In 1984 has been imposed in deacon. In 1985 is imposed in celibate priest. Per 1984-86 taught in seminary of Gevorgyan Echmiadzin Katolikos of discipline « Introduction in Shabby and the New testament ». Per 1986-88 studied in postgraduate study of the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy. In 1988 is appointed by the Spiritual pastor of Armenians of St.-Petersburg with simultaneous discharge of duties of the prior of local Armenian churches of St. Ekaterina and St. Revival. With 1994 – vicar of the Head of the new-Nakhichevan and Russian eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church on Northwest of Russia and the Baltics. Since October, 2000 – the Head of the new-Nakhichevan and Russian eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Patriarchal Exarch in Russia. In 2000 in the St. Echmiadzin monastery defends the dissertation on a theme « History of the Armenian community of St.-Petersburg » and receives a degree of archimandrite. On September, 30th, 2001 he is imposed in bishop. With 2002 – a member of Council at the President of the Russian Federation on interaction with religious associations. AWARDS: decoration of Saint Blessing faithful prince Daniel Moscow of III degree of Russian Orthodox Church (1995);Title « the Honorable citizen of St.-Petersburg and the Baltics » for special merits before the Russian Fatherland in spiritual development (1997);Decoration « For merits before Fatherland » II degrees (2001);Medal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (2002);Decoration « the Gold star for fidelity of Russia » (2006);The supreme public award of Russia -the decoration of Sacred Prince Alexander Neva- the first degree with a tape (2006). The Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – (AEI ), the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) and the Southern Hill University -SHU, the Trinity International University -TIU , the Intercontinental Open University for Global Change -IOUGC, the Dessler University -DU, the Institute of Management Education and Analyses -IMEA , the Nnew-Nakhichevan and Russian eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church – NNREAAC, the NorthGate University of Management -NGUM , the American Institute of Management- Westbrook University- AIMWU have signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world The Global Education System (GES) is recognized by 1000 universities and institutions The Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation -( AEI ), the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) and the Academy for Peace and Development ( APD), Intellectual Investments Association (IIA), the International Association of Universities, Colleges and Schools (IAUCS), the Peninsula University of Information, Technology& Business ( PUITB), the Expert Enterprises& Technologies (EET), the International Science & Education Academy (ISEA), the Inter Service Professional School (IPS) ,the Institute of Fashion Design and Management (IFDM), the LEPRA Society, the Golden Bridge Georgian -American Educational Exchange Centre (GBAEEC) and the Russian Media Group (RMG) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed the agreement concerning accreditation and recognition. The Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – (AEI ), the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) and the Institute of Management Education and Analyses ( IMEA), the International Association for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages’ (TCSOL), the Pebble Hills University ( PHU), the Russian Tajik (Slovenian) University (RTSU), the Concepts College (CCU), the Olive Branch University (OBU), the Tajikistan Institute of Innovation Technology and Communication (TIITC) , the Rectangle Consulting (RC) , the Westgate College/ The Trinity Institute ( WCTI), and the University of Global Synergy (UGS) have signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world Tomsk State University (TSU), Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB), the European Academy of Informatization -( AEI ), created according to the Royal Decree in Belgium, World Information Distributed University -(WIDU)Switzerland), Russian Ecological Fund “TechEco”, the Union of Rectors of Russia, Association of Peace Funds highly estimate the educational program “Scientific bases and methods of carrying out of independent expert appraisals “-as is valid independent expert appraisals in various areas of human activity and consider that it is necessary to promote the introduction of this new speciality and the program «the Independent expert appraisal (including for courts of justice) and researches» in universities of the Europe and America. The licenses for educational activity are received from the Ministry of Education and sciences of the Russian Federation (Order 2287 dated 06.12.2005, the Order 1357 dated 18.05.2006) with delivery of the diploma of the state sample about the second higher education. They have signed the agreement on the international recognition of a speciality and the program «the Independent expert appraisal (including for courts of justice) and researches ».The parties note, that though there exist objective difficulties of introduction or recognitions of this speciality and the program in the European universities, there is a lawful way of accreditation due to creation of branches of foreign universities or academies at the State Universities of Russia. This way is accreditation by means of GAAP, Generally Accepted Accrediting Principles. The recognition of national agency of education (the Ministry of the Sciences and Education of the Russian Federation) is required .The parties consider that it is necessary to create a Department TSU – AEI – TechEco. The parties consider that it is necessary to create a Department TSUAB – WIDU – TechEco . Rector TSU Prof. G. Maier, Rector TSUAB Prof. M. Slobodski , Vice -Chairman of presidium the Union of Rectors of Russia Prof. G. Rogov, President of Association of Peace Funds Prof. A. Karpov, General director of TechEco Prof. A. Laskovenko, President AEI, WIDU, Prof. E. Evreinov. Valerian Markarov, FOUNDER and PRESIDENT OF GOLDEN BRIDGE GEORGIAN-AMERICAN VISITOR EXCHANGE CENTER,TBILISI, GEORGIA is decorated by the Order and the Honorable Title of CAVALIER of World Order of Science, Education, Culture in December 2007 Ansted University (AU), Ansted University Foundation (AUF), Ansted University Asia Regional Service Center (AUARSC) & Ansted Social Responsibility International Awards (ASRIA) and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – AEI , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) The Russian Rectors’ Union and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – AEI , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world. About 70 rectors of State universities of Union were awarded the scientific degree of Grand PhD from the WIDU and the AEI.http://www.bridgeworld.org/rectors/rectors_full.htm
About 800 rectors of higher educational institutions of Russia are members of the Union.
Consortium of Professional Bodies and Universities (CPBU) has elected Eduard Evreinov, PhD, Grand PhD, Prof its Deputy Patron
The Corporation of Executives & Administrators (CEA) , The European Continental University (ECU), The UK Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL) and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – (AEI) , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world. Grand Dr. Prof. Varant Zareh Seropian, the IAEWP Representative at the United Nations Economic commission for Western Asia, has been appointed as a Director of Global Education System in Lebanon and in the Middle East Arab countries.
The MESI and the AEI (European Academy of Informatization) and the WIDU (World Information Distributed University) have signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments, organized on principles of distribution position of professors and students in the whole world. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), founded in 1932, nowadays is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Russia with rich experience and strong tradition of staff training for the economy of Russia and foreign countries. Keeping up best academic traditions and introducing innovative technologies of development MESI has trained several generations of high-qualified, competent and creative specialists. MESI graduates occupy key positions in economy, business and government sectors and international organizations.
The International Consortium «Electronic University», (the President of the International Consortium and the Scientific Adviser of MESI Vladimir Tikhomirov, academician, PhD, DSc, Prof.,) signed an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). The International Consortium «Electronic University» and the AEI (European Academy of Informatization) and the WIDU (World Information Distributed University) have signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments, organized on principles of distribution position of professors and students in the whole world. The WIDU and the AEI invite members of the International Consortium «Electronic University» to take part in a project Global Education System (GES) with the view of further increasing the levels of experts of leading and outstanding Scientists and Academicians skills in the interest of the Europe and the World in general.
European Association International Education -EAIE The EAIE strives to link international education professionals together in order to help create a global environment where there is mobility and education for all. In order to facilitate this, the EAIE works to aid in the professional development of internationalizes and to ensure that important information is not only disseminated, but that there is an increased awareness about critical issues so that they can be debated in order to come to mutual understandings. World Information Distributed University (WIDU) in collaboration with the European Academy of Informatization (AEI), invite members of the EAIE to take part in a project Global Education System (GES) with the view of further increasing the levels of experts of leading and outstanding Scientists and Academicians skills in the interest of the Europe and the World in general.
The International Association for Peace Alexander V.Barskov (violoncellist Alexander Barsky), the Professor of International University is decorated by the Order and Honorable Title of CAVALIER of World Order of Science, Education, Culture in September 2007. Alexander Barsky was born in Moscow in 1973 and began to play the cello when he was only five. He went to special Gnessin School of Music and by the age of nine had won the Russian Competition of Young Talents in St. Petersburg. In 1984 he took the part , to critical acclaim, in the European Festival of Young Talents in Budapest. Since Alexander Barsky was twelve he has been performing with the chamber and symphony orchestras throughout Russia, Britain, Israel and Europe. Notable performances have taken place at the Vigmore Hall and Chelsea Arts Club in London, Jacqueline du Pre Music Building in Oxford, Vienna Konzerthaus. The European Academy of Informatization (AEI) celebrates the anniversary of His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of Bulgaria, and Metropolitan of Sofia. His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of Bulgaria, President of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and Metropolitan of Sofia celebrates his 93rd birthday in the Monastery of Troyan with Troyanska Rakia. His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia is decorated with the Title and the Order of COMMANDER of World Order “Science, Education, Culture” for his service to the Bulgarian people, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, science and higher education Scientists and professors, Directors of Global Education System of the European Academy of Informatization intimately congratulate His Holiness Maxim, Patriarch of Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia celebrating his jubilee, happy birthday and wish a sound health and happiness. The Oil and Gas Institute of Trinity College (UK Commonwealth Director of Oil and Gas Institute Mr. Alexander Demidovich )
Now the attention of outstanding scientists and professors is devoted to cares of the further development of humanity, its education system, and requirements for the decision of global problems.
is awarded the scientific degree of International Doctor of Philosophy and Grand Doctor of Philosophy (the highest in the world) and the Title of Full Professor from the European Academy of Informatization and the World Information Distributed University in July, 2007. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING PERSONS, RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS KARPOV Anatoly, (b. 1951), Russian chess player, international grand master (1970), master of sport (1974), The 12th champion of peace (1975-85), the champion OF THE USSR (1976, 1983, 1988), Possessor of prize “chess Oscar” (1973-77, 1979-81, 1984, 1994), Karpov is passionate collector, possessor of one of the largest in the world collections of chess stamps. Author of many books according to the theory of chess, collections of its own parties, autobiographical books, in Vol. h. “in the distant Bagio” (1981), “A tomorrow again into boy”(1982), “my sister of kaissa” (1990); the independent expertise (co- author 2004); the technology of expertise (co-author 2006). Andrey Laskovenko, the general director of Russian ecological fund ” TekhEko ” is awarded the scientific degree of International Doctor of Philosophy and Grand Doctor of Philosophy (the highest in the world) and the Title of Full Professor from the European Academy of Informatization and the World Information Distributed University in July, 2007. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING PERSONS, RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS. Andrey Laskovenko, the general director of Russian ecological fund ” TekhEko “. is decorated by the Order and Honorable Titl e of CAVALIER of World Order of Science, Education, Culture in September 2007. Laskovenko Andrey Georgievich, was born 31.08.1947 in Tomsk area, Rybinsk. It is married, has two sons. The head and the author of the project of creation of legal base of the profound processing of products of recycling of the chemical weapon and the decision of social and economic questions in places of storage and destruction of the chemical weapon. The participant of development and realization of the state program « Social adaptation of the military men subject to dismissal from Armed forces of the Russian Federation, other armies, military formations and bodies, and members of their families for 2002-2005 ». The head and the author of the project of creation of ” the Center of independent judicial examinations » Russian ecological fund ” TekhEko ” which activity is approved by the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, the Main military Office of Public Prosecutor of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, Judicial department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration court of the Russian Federation. The co-author of scientific work « Scientific bases and methods of carrying out of independent expert appraisals » (the patent of the Russian Federation for the invention ¹ 2256214, the Euroasian patent ¹007306). The techniques developed on a basis « Scientific bases and methods of carrying out of independent expert appraisals », allow to determine objective size of the prices for fuel, damage from negative ecological influence on an environment; to calculate real sizes of cost of services on the electric power, water, warmly; to carry out an estimation of the real estate, investment projects, budgets, lists of staff. The organizer of creation of ” Institute of independent experts » on the basis of Tomsk State Architectural – building University and Tomsk State University. The winner of premiums: him. U.V. Andropov, twice Hero of Soviet Union N.M.Skomorohova, « Fatherland True Suns ». It is awarded with the supreme public award: « Pride of Fatherland ». The academician of Academies: « the International academy of Informatization, Academy of problems of safety, defense and the law and order ». Rogov Gennady Markelovich, the President of Tomsk State University Architecture and Building, the Vice-president of the Union of rectors of Russia, is awarded the scientific degree of International Doctor of Philosophy and Grand Doctor of Philosophy (the highest in the world) and the Title of Full Professor from the European Academy of Informatization and the World Information Distributed University in July, 2007. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING PERSONS, RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS President of Tomsk State University Architecture and Building, The academician; the doctor of sciences, the professor, the Honored worker of a science and techniques of the Russian Federation; the Honorary academician of the Russian academy of architecture and building sciences, the academician of four public academies: the Russian academy of natural sciences, academy of engineering sciences, the International academy of sciences of the higher school, academy housing – a municipal services; The basic directions of scientific activity: Regional hydrogeology – Geo-ecology – Engineering geology The author more than 90 scientific works, four monographs. He formulates a number of laws of formation and monitoring of stocks of underground waters and principles of their rational use. Effective technologies of water-preparation and water purification are proved. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It has passed 11 years from the date of signing the original agreement between the University of Wales, Lampeter, UK and the International University. One of the oldest, universities Lampeter (1822) and International University (1992) has signed the agreement in March 1996. The agreement provides cooperation and recognition of the academic status of both universities, and an opportunity independently from each other to identify the academic statuses of other universities at high quality performance of education. Such original approach allows expanding a network of universities with a high level of quality of education, not resorting to structures of accreditation, which cannot keep up in sufficient measure needs of a society in development of new education systems. The European Academy of Information (AEI) and World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have suggested a Global Education System (GES) with awarding of two additional scientific degrees International PhD and Grand PhD. System GES has obtained the state recognition of the several countries, bodies of accreditation and 150 universities and institutes, but had no common recognition. Academy – AEI and University – WIDU have signed the agreement with the International University about cooperation and recognition of the academic status of both universities in 2007. The AEI and WIDU are having a common recognition now
Die EuroSwiss Universitat -(University) (ESU) and the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments, organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world.
SHIRLEY MARIE JACOBSEN, AGE, Grand PhD, First Grand Dame SEC, LDAF, PhD, MA, BCA, LFIBA, FABI, DDG, DG, IOM, MOIF, CH, Director of Global Education System, Founder of Scholarship Sources International proposes in her letter, and knowledge – the Grand PhD, moving beyond the BA,MA, PhD platform by establishing the fourth tier of higher education -the Grand PhD. In helping a person reaches for his/her Grand PhD Degree with the AEI and WIDU, Scholarship Sources International-SSI is founded to help supply funds necessary for the candidate to receive the Grand PhD. World legend Dr Shirley Jacobsen, is an inductee in the International Biographical Centre Hall of Fame, The 500 Leaders of World Influence Hall of Fame, and the International Society of Poets Hall of Fame; and is an outstanding international scholar, advocate of world peace, Secretary General of the United Cultural Convention, Deputy Governor of the American Institute Research Association, Deputy Director General of the International Biographical Association for the Americas; and has been recognised for her outstanding contribution to world peace, international relations, education, the environment, philosophy, literature, the arts, music, diplomacy, humanities, philanthropy and research. Shirley Jacobsen holds numerous awards, medals, certifications, diplomas, degrees and declarations: has written over one hundred articles, reports, commentaries, poems, monographs, and songs; and hopes to help improve human relations, the environment, promote world peace, and contribute to the solving of global problems. The European Academy of Informatization – AEI, set up by Royal Decree in Belgium, the World Information Distributed University – WIDU registered in Switzerland and RF have signed the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD with 125 universities and institutions. In spite of Fraud- Lie from the Site ODA (Oregon), many organizations join to the project of Global Education System-GES. Recently, the AEI and the WIDU signed the memorandum and agreement with the next institutions: The AEI, the WIDU and Directors of GES congratulate heartily their new members. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, established in 1951, is the main scientific centre of the Republic, and houses 21 research institutes, 3 science centers and several departments. Fellows to the academy are elected on merit-basis either as corresponding members or academicians. At present there are 28 academicians and 53 corresponding members. President Mamadsho Ilolov , PhD, Grand PhD, Prof., Academician is the outstanding scientist in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Sadriddin Akramov, PhD,Grand PhD, Prof., President of the Tajikistan International University -TIU, (Tajikistan) has been appointed as a Director of Global Education System . Sadriddin Akramov, is a founder of Tajikistan International University-an educational network, and new scientific schools and learning centers, in the field of pedagogical sciences, languages and information technology. His humanitarian and educational projects trough US State Department funding renders humanitarian assistance to needy disabled children, orphans and the student of poor families by providing education services and other considerations in the Republic of Tajikistan . Since 1986 he worked in various administrative positions in Construction companies, bank sector and national politics. From 1999 to 2006 he was appointed as Tajikistan Trade Representative to the USA by the President of Tajikistan and he served as President of US-Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, USA. Born in 1964, first earned his Diploma in civil and industrial engineering from Tajikistan Technical University in 1986, his Ph.D. in General Pedagogy, the history of Pedagogy and Education in Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2006. Sadriddin Akramov is an academician of the European Academy of Informatization (Academy Europeenne d’Informatisation-AEI L’arrete royal du 19 septembre 1999). PhD, Grand PhD, Prof., Sadriddin Akramov, President of the Tajikistan International University -TIU, Director of Global Education System, has been appointed as a Vice-president of European Academy Informatization in the Central Asia and Tajikistan. Decree 5/ 2007 Giving great value to intellectual development of a society in the Central Asia and especially in Tajikistan where there is the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Tajikistan International University (TIU), signed with European Academy Informatization -AEI and the World Information Distributed University-WIDU the Agreement on the Global Education system Incorporated Senate AEI-WIDU decided: 2. To ask PhD, Grand PhD, Prof., Academician Mamadsho Ilolov, the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan to address to presidents of Academies of Sciences and to the Governments of the Central Asia and the Europe with the request to render intellectual and material aid . Eduard Evreinov President AEI, WIDU
Music, Arts, Letter and Science – Royal College of Music, Australia; Councilor of the International Council for Sustainable Development, Australia has been appointed as a Director of Global Education Syste.
His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING PERSONS, RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Dear colleagues! We invite to take part in the international conference devoted to pressing questions of the further development of the Global Education system, and to act with the report. President EAI, CII, WIDU, Questions for discussion
Reports and theses we ask to direct by e-mail: cii.asbl@skynet.be . Phone for an information: +7-495-2673355 Institute of System Researches signs the Agreement on a recognition and accreditation of diplomas of International PhD and Grand PhD. The institute has the state license on preparation KANDIDAT NAUK (PhD) and DOKTOR NAUK (Grand PhD). At institute, the Branch of the WIDU for preparation of International PhD and Grand PhD is created.In a picture: the President of Institute of System Researches PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. M. Seleznev, Commander of the World Order “SEC” (in the center), the President of the AEI and the WIDU E. Evreinov (at the left), the General director of the Main computer center of Intourist PhD, Grand PhD, Prof Jaroslav Khetagurov, the Winner of the Lenin Premium (on the right), the General Scientific Secretary of the AEI PhD, Grand PhD, Prof V. Evreinov (at the left), the Scientific Secretary of Institute of System Researches PhD Olga Polilova (on the right). Professor Alexandr Kasjanov
DECREE ¹ 32/J Members of the Senate discussed the proposal concerning of activity of the A.E.I and functions of the Scientific Secretary General. E.Evreinov The Ambassador of India, an Academician of International Diplomatic Academy -IDA graduated from the World Information Distributed University for the scientific degree of International Doctor of Philosophy and the scientific degree of Grand Doctor of Philosophy (the highest in the world) in June 2006. Dr. Kanwal Sibal is the First Grand Doctor Philosophy in India. He received the Title of Full Professor from the European Academy of Informatization and the World Information Distributed University-WIDU. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS. As a President of the Department of the University of WIDU-INDIA Prof. Kanwal Sibal is elected as a Director of Global Education System to represent interests of India.
Important event It was created a Department of World Information Distributed University in INDIA and were signed an agreement and a memorandum between the AEI and the Department of India World Information Distributed University (WIDU) in collaboration with the European Academy of Informatization (AEI), founded in 1999 by Royal Decree of King Albert of Belgium, invite you to take part in a project Global Education System (GES) with the view of further increasing of the levels of experts of leading and outstanding Scientists and Academicians skills in the interest of the India and the World in general. Project Global Education System assumes transition from the present three-level system of higher education with award of degrees BS, MS, PhD to a four-level system with degrees BS, MS, PhD, and Grand PhD which would be the highest scientific degree with the status of “Grand Doctor of Philosophy (Grand Ph. D)” being offered to outstanding scientists. For those goals it is organized the Department of WIDU- INDIA under the Leadership by the President of Department, PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. Kanwal Sibal and the Vice-Presidents of Department PhD, Crand PhD, Prof. Pechnikov and PhD, Grand PhD., Prof. Soudravskj L’ACADEMIE EUROPEENNE D’INFORMATISATION -AEI Eduard Evreinov
PROFILE OF His Royal Majesty The King was born in 1946 His Royal Majesty is awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy and theTitle of Full Professor from the European the Academy of Informatization and World Information Distributed University in January 2006.. His Royal Majesty is awarded the title of Commander of World Order “Science, Education, Culture” and the ACADEMICIAN of International Diplomatic Academy. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING PERSONS, RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS. Igor FYODOROV FYODOROV Igor Borisovich is a distinguished scientist, public figure and a tutor. The member of scientific of Counsel at Security Council of Russia. The Rector of Moscow N.E. Bauman State Technical University (MSTU) The Chairman of Counsel of Rectors of universities of Moscow and the Moscow area Academician FYODOROV Igor Borisovich is bestowed on degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the title of Full Professor of WIDU His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS.
Academician Prof. Emeritus Dr. Deric N. Bircham is awarded the scientific degree of Grand Doctor of Science from the European the Academy of Informatization and World Information Distributed University in November 2005.This is the highest degree in the world. The Grand Master of World Order “Science, Education, Culture” bestowed the title of Commander upon the Royal Prince Deric N. Bircham. His name is entered in the list of OUTSTANDING RESEARCHERS & PROFESSORS. Mr.Kanwal Sibal, Ambassador of India is elected as an Academician of International Diplomatic Academy -IDA (President of IDA, PhD, Grand PhD, Prof J.Vorontsov, is the Special Envoy the UN Secretary with rank of Under-Secretary General). 27 october 2005 Embassy of India in Moscow The European University of Right Justo is founded by the All-Russia Fund of Formation, East-European branch of the International Academy of sciences of San Marino, and also scientists of the European states and is registered by the Government of Moscow in 1994, again – in 1995 In territory of the former USSR this the first noncommercial not state educational institution, included in system of high schools of the International Academy of sciences (IAS) San Marino. The IAS is registered at the governmental level in this most ancient democratic republic of the Europe. The European University of Right Justo has celebrated its anniversary. It is10 years from the date of its creation.
Professor FRANK is a celebrated scientist and distinguished pedagogue. Academician FRANK is a president of the International Academy of Science (AIS): in San Marino University,. Academic Degree and Title Dr. Sc. Cyb.habil. in Anthropology Cybernetic, AIS, San Marino, 1986.
Gennady SHILO Rector of European Justo Law University Ph.D., Grand Ph.D., Full Professor( WIDU) since 1995-Doclor of Science in Law, professor, full member of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, the International Academy of Informatization. Professor, president, of East European department, of the International Academy of Sciences in San-Marino. Total work record – 45 years. Practicing lawyer. Specialist in the field of criminal law and criminal trial. Author of more than 200 scientific works, including four-language law dictionary, rhetoric course, a text-books on stenography and Esperanto. On the Picture the Grand Master of Order Evreinov Eduard hands over to academician SHILO the Title of Cavalier.
Prof. Reinhard Justus Reginald SELTEN has graduated from the World Information Distributed University for degrees PhD and Grand PhD in 2005. He received the Certificate of Full Professor from the WIDU. Prof Selten is a prominent person, Laureate of Nobel’s Prize. In contrast to the practice of European and American universities the WIDU awarded experts a highest degree in the world. The dissertation of the grand doctor of philosophy is extensive and in-depth study with the original decision of the global problem having the major value for the world community. The degree of the grand doctor of philosophy can be awarded to the international doctor of philosophy on the global problems, who has more than100 scientific works and has more than three monographs and who took part in training of10-20 doctors of philosophy.
Prominent Scientist and Professor Victor Shudegov is awarded Degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor,He is the President of Committee of Council of Federation of theRFAuthor of 160 scientific publications and 10 monographsRussian degrees: Candidate NAUK, Doctor NAUK, State Professor
Evreinov, the President of the AEI and the WIDU, together with Mikhaylov, the Director of the ISS and the former Minister of RF for Atomic Energy, hand over to Voldemar VARAVA, the First Deputy Director of the ISS, Diplomas of PhD, Grand PhD and the Certificate of Full Professor. PhD. Grand PhD, Prof Vorontsov,the President of International Diplomatic Academy, the UN Deputy Secretary-General, together with PhD, Grand PhD, Prof. Soudravskij, Vice-President and Scientific Secretary-General of the IDA, hand over to PhD. Grand PhD, Prof. Avni XHELILI, Ambassador of Albania in RF, the Diploma of ACADEMICIAN of the IDA and Certificate to position of President of Department of the IDA.
Vladimir Resin has graduated from the WIDU for degrees of PhD, Grand PhD and Certificate of Full Professor in 2000. He has numerous scientific papers and 12 monographs. He is the candidate NAUK, Doctor NAUK, State Professor (Russia). Vladimir Resin is a Vice-Mayor of Moscow and it’s a Principal Constructor.
© Bridge between East and West
Ansted University (AU), Ansted University Foundation (AUF), Ansted University Asia Regional Service Center (AUARSC) & Ansted Social Responsibility International Awards (ASRIA) and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – AEI , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU)
have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world http://www.widu.be/accreditation_ansted_universityThe Russian Rectors’ Union and Academie Europeenne de l’Informatisation – AEI , the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) have concluded an agreement concerning recognition of scientific degrees of International PhD and Grand PhD (highest in the World). They signed a memorandum of understanding and the agreement concerning of accreditation and recognition. Both Parties mark the particular importance of creation of mutual Departments organized on principles of distribution positions of professors and students in the whole world. http://www.widu.be/accreditation_widu__urf
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