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Recognation of Global Education System

Accreditation and Recognition of the Global Education system (GES)

On behalf of the United Nations and International Telecommunication Union in 1995, the International Informatization Academy (IIA) in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN has started to award new degrees of PhD (International) and Grand PhD to experts for solving of global problems. This work has served as the beginning of recognition of four level (BS-MS-PhD – Grand PhD) education system.

Such basic ideas, as the Distributed processing of the information, the Informatization of a society, the World distributed universities and the New scientific degrees of PhD (International) and Grand PhD, have laid down in a basis of the Global Education System (GES) and registered as certificates-licenses in 1995-1998.

  • In 1997 1998, the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN has created a functional university (World Information Distributed University -WIDU).The IIA has transferred to the WIDU an awarding the all scientific degrees and ranks, including International PhD and Grand PhD.
  • The professors of university have determined rules of training and awarding of scientific degrees. The university is scientific educational non-profitable association, which it conducts training and awarding of scientific degrees free-of-charge. The university accepts only donations. The president of the WIDU carries out the activity free-of-charge. Departments of the WIDU together with other universities spend grounding and awarding of scientific degrees. The international committee consisting of 7-9 outstanding scientists with degree Grand PhD is responsible for final award of a degree to any expert. Management of the WIDU is limited to formal signing of documents. The university can be in the different countries as it is distributed. The location of office of the president of the WIDU determines a position of university.
  • The WIDU proposed an additional organization (the BAKK) for Russia and the former countries USSR. The Highest Attestation Qualification Committee (BAKK) is a scientific public association for attestation of experts for degrees of Kandidat Nauk (PhD) and Doktor Nauk (Grand PhD). Diplomas of BAKK are legally used in RF at nongovernmental scientific institutions and commercial organizations. The WIDU, as the functional university of the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN, continues to work on grounding of experts with degree PhD (International) and Grand PhD for the solving of global problems. From 1997 on 2000, The location of office of the President of the WIDU was Russia.
  • The president of the WIDU moved to Belgium and headed the Academie Europeenne d’Informatisation (A.E.I) since 2000. The Minister of Justice of Belgium has signed the legal Status of the AEI- Art.3. Titres honorifiques, which was proposed by the functional university WIDU of the IIA in a General Consultative State with ECOSOC of the UN. The Royal Decree of 19 September 1999 enables the AEI to legally operate in Belgium as an international association with corporate personality. According to its statutes, this association can indeed open a university in accordance with the Belgian legislation on this matter
  • Education is free in Belgium. Belgium is the place of residence only. For WIDU it is enough operate as a free institution.

Accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES) is complex enough.

The WIDU has tested many schemes of accreditation and recognition of GES with positive success.

  • Bilateral accreditation and recognition of the Global Education system (GES) is the most important. This way here is widely used for recognition GES. A global Education system (GES) is recognized more than 1000 organizations.
  • Academy- AEI and University -WIDU have signed the agreement on the state recognition with Armenia and Mongolia.
  • Ministers of a science and education of Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic and Penza have signed the agreement on recognition GES.

A Global Education System (GES) is recognized by:

  • The State Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is the main  scientific centre of the Republic, included 21 research institutes, 3 science centers, has signed the agreement with the AEI.
  • The Russian Rectors’ Union has signed the agreement with the WIDU. About 800 rectors of higher educational institutions of Russia are members of the Union.
  • The International Academy of sciences (IAS) in San Marino has accredited the WIDU and issued a license for GES.
  • The Association FESAMA has recognized Diplomas of PhD (International) and Grand PhD and recommends to the members of the institution in all countries to recognize the activities and certificates granted by the WIDU.
  • The Association on accreditation AIHACC has decided to recognize Diplomas of Int. PhD, Grand PhD and Certificates conferred by the WIDU and recommends to members of all organizations to recognize Diplomas and Certificates of the WIDU.
  • The International Association of Educators for World Peace (M.E) has accredited Int. PhD and Grand PhD.
  • The way of accreditation by means of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accrediting Principles) is used also. In this system it is required, that the university has been included in the list of the national Ministry of Education. At such university, it is possible to create the department with recognition of GES. The Tomsk State University (TSU), the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB), the European Academy of Informatisation – (AEI), the World Information Distributed University ,the Russian Ecological Fund “TechEco”, the Union of Rectors of Russia, the Association of Peace Funds created the Department TSU – AEI – TechEco and the Department TSUAB – WIDU – TechEco.
  • One of ways of recognition GES has been offered owing to the original agreement between the University of Wales, Lampeter, UK and the International University. One of the oldest universities Lampeter (1822) and International University (1992) has signed the agreement in March 1996. The agreement provides cooperation and recognition of the academic status of both universities, and an opportunity independently from each other to identify the academic statuses of other universities at high quality performance of education. Such original approach allows expanding a network of universities with a high level of quality of education, not resorting to structures of accreditation, which cannot keep up in sufficient measure needs of a society in development of new education systems. Academy – AEI and University – WIDU have signed the agreement with the International University about cooperation and recognition.
  • The European Academy of Informatisation (AEI) and the World Information Distributed University (WIDU) has suggested a Global Education System (GES) with awarding of two additional scientific degrees International PhD and Grand PhD. The International University of Fundamental Studies (IFUS) has signed the agreement with the AEI and the WIDU concerning the GES. The International Parliament of Safety and Peace (IPSP) accredit the IFUS. The IPSP has given the full right to award scientific degrees of the International PhD and Grand PhD officially recognized by all States (more than 155), entering in IPSP-New Association of the Nations (NSN) as the Intergovernmental Organization of States (IOS).

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