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About Us The outfit with the operational mandate and mission of developing professionalism in the public and corporate service and to install effective and efficient planning and management of corporate and public administration in Nigeria through capacity building, continuous training, monitoring, evaluation, educational planning and management information dissemination with a relatively small bureaucracy, made up of experts, commercialists, administrators, accountants, planners, statisticians, information management consultants and a large repertoire of highly experienced external consultants drawn from Nigerian universities, retired and serving top government functionaries, the private sector and leading consulting organizations within and outside the country under a visionary leadership work in close collaboration with stake holders in the public sector. Mission Statement Primarily, our aim is to professionalize the public and corporate management for effective and efficient management through capacity building, continuous training, research and information dissemination. Vision On account of this, we believe in no distant time, Nigeria will be riddled with seasoned, efficient and technically skilled Local Government and public Administrators. in all tiers of government with accountability as focus. Objectives
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Newport University offers Tuition Free Distance Education projects for Deprived Citizens in different countries around the World
Tuition free distance undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs study project in different countries under the International Peace and Development Institute for deprived citizens around the world to confirm that every human being has inherited the right to learn for the welfare of the global society and become a leader.
Former Students Degree Verification
Please be informed that all the past degree holders of the University, who need to verify their degrees, contact directly along with an Application and soft-copies of Certificate and Transcript to the University office by e-mail at info@newportuniversity.eu