Home > Programs > Bachelor Degree Courses > Doctor of Medicine > Curriculum Curriculum
BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCE (BMedSc.)/ Basic Science (Semester 1-8)
* All the Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSc.) students must satisfy an on-campus residency requirement of a minimum of 15 weeks to complete the program. Then sit for the USMLE Step-1 exam, and upon successfully passing students will forward to continue the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program.
DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (MD) 78-Week Clinical Program These clinical clerkship include 48 weeks of mandatory clinical rotations, as well as 30 weeks of elective clinical rotations. The core rotations represent the primary areas of medical practice, and the elective rotations provide students with an understanding of the various specialties in medicine. Senior Electives (30 weeks) Students can choose from dozens of electives focused on a variety of specialty medical fields. These electives serve to provide the necessary credits for graduation while increasing the student’s exposure to a variety of specialties in the medical field. NU Implementation: Core clinical and elective experiences: 1 week = 1 credit
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Newport University offers Tuition Free Distance Education projects for Deprived Citizens in different countries around the World
Tuition free distance undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs study project in different countries under the International Peace and Development Institute for deprived citizens around the world to confirm that every human being has inherited the right to learn for the welfare of the global society and become a leader.
Former Students Degree Verification
Please be informed that all the past degree holders of the University, who need to verify their degrees, contact directly along with an Application and soft-copies of Certificate and Transcript to the University office by e-mail at info@newportuniversity.eu