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Basic Science (Semester 1-8)

Program Curriculum



Total Required Credits  



Phase I: Year 1
Semester 1
Code Course Title
FEP 051 Intermediate English Language (CEFR A2 level) 4 8
PSY 101 Physics I 3 6
CHE 102 General Chemistry 3 6
BIO 103 Biology I 3 6
PLS 102 American Government 3 6
Semester 2
FEP 061 Upper Intermediate English Language (CEFR B1 level) 4 8
PSY 107 Physics II 3 6
CHE 108 Organic Chemistry 3 6
BIO 109 Biology II 3 6
SOC 110 Sociology 3 6
Phase I: Year 2
Semester 3
STA 206 Research Methods in Medicine and Essential Medical Statistics 3 6
FEP 071 Introduction to Advanced English Language (CEFR B2 level) 4 8
ANA 201 Anatomy I 3 6
HIS 202 Histology I 3 6
ETH 205 Medical Ethics 3 6
Semester 4
PHY 203 Physiology I 3 6
BCH 204 Biochemistry I 3 6
ANA 202 Anatomy II 3 6
HIS 203 Histology II 3 6
BRB 205 Brain and Behavior 3 6
Phase I: Year 3
Semester 5
PHY 303 Physiology II 3 6
BCH 304 Biochemistry II 3 6
GEN 306 Genetics 3 6
MCV 305 Microbiology & Virology 3 6
IMM 307 Immunology 3 6
Semester 6
PATH 309 Pathology I 3 6
HEM 302 Hematology 3 6
PHAR 308 Pharmacology 3 6
EPH 304 Epidemiology and Public Health 3 6
SPH 310 Systematic Pharmacology I 3 6
Phase II: Year 4
Semester 7
PATH 410 Pathology II 3 6
MED 406 Introduction to Clinical Medicine I 5 10
SPH 403 Systematic Pharmacology II 3 6
CPA 405 Clinical Pathophysiology 3 6
Semester 8
MED 407 Introduction to Clinical Medicine II 7 14
BCM 410 Biological Basis of Clinical Medicine 4 8
PRO 412 Research Project 4 8


* All the Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSc.) students must satisfy an on-campus residency requirement of a minimum of 15 weeks to complete the program. Then sit for the USMLE Step-1 exam, and upon successfully passing students will forward to continue the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program.



78-Week Clinical Program

These clinical clerkship include 48 weeks of mandatory clinical rotations, as well as 30 weeks of elective clinical rotations. The core rotations represent the primary areas of medical practice, and the elective rotations provide students with an understanding of the various specialties in medicine.

Senior Electives (30 weeks)

Students can choose from dozens of electives focused on a variety of specialty medical fields. These electives serve to provide the necessary credits for graduation while increasing the student’s exposure to a variety of specialties in the medical field.

NU Implementation:

Core clinical and elective experiences: 1 week = 1 credit

Total MD program requires USCR 180 or  ECTS 360.

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